Strandgut. 1979 Emscherland
Priority: 2
3/25/25 (new entry)
A listing of obscure 60's, 70's, and 80s prog, psych, jazz fusion, electronic, and hard rock albums that remain largely unknown (generally due to a lack of a reissue).
***Reissued by Hookfarm in 2016
Priority: 3
3/24/25 (new entry)
***Reissued by Norsk Album Classics Dec 2022
Priority: none
3/19/25 (new entry)
As noted earlier, I will be publishing new entries of obscurities that have been reissued since 2015.
Priority: none
3/12/25 (new entry)
What We Are (1975) reissued by Nova, date unknown.
Priority: 3
3/12/25 (new entry)
Priority: none
Another album I had in the main list but never featured.
3/11/25 (new entry)
Priority: 3
These were in the main list prior, but never featured.
***The first two albums have been reissued on vinyl by Return to Analog.
3/9/25 (new entry)
Priority: none
This was one of those "CDRWL main list" albums that I never featured. Not that it deserves one, but trying to be thorough here.
Love the cover though. Great use of fonts and art.
2/23/25 (new entry)
Outside Looking In. 1968 Mainstream
***The Tangerine Zoo reissued on vinyl by Sundazed (2023)
Priority: 1 (for Outside Looking In)
2/22/25 (new entry)
I'm sure others are worthy of consideration, but this is the only title I'm familiar with.
Priority: 1
2/22/25 (new entry)
Priority: 1
2/22/25 (new entry)