Thursday, November 28, 2024

Window, USA-California

The Empyreal Ballet. 1978 Cottage

Window were a San Francisco / Bay Area based group, and they released this one very good progressive rock album. Honestly, I was certain I was going to find out the band were from Illinois or Missouri, because it does have that Midwest progressive rock sound, especially apparent in the vocal sections. The mix of complex progressive rock, piano jazz-rock, and AOR FM radio ambition only cements the comparison. Excellent electric / acoustic guitar work, flute, tuned percussion, with a horn section and complex rhythms is what you'll find on Empyreal Ballet.


Last night's listen almost resulted in a +1 as it's really an exceptionally great album. Side 1 in particular is strong. I'm not sure how I managed to get through that first review without mentioning Gentle Giant as that's the most obvious influence here. Fireballet also comes to mind, in both sound and overall aesthetic. I've seen some folks go out of their way to poo-poo this release, but don't pay attention to them. For whatever reason the mere mention of horns along with melodic songwriting sends them into a rage they cannot seem to control. This is an album for hardcore prog fans. For us alone.

Priority: 1


isabelbc said...
Thank you, Tom! :o)

Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Isabel,

Just returned from vacation and published your comment. Great album right?

- Tom

isabelbc said...

hi Tom,

welcome back!
yes, great album!

Isabel :o)

Anonymous said...

Have a original handbill with Window supporting Journey and special guest Yesterday & Today at Golden Gate Park in SF- 1975. Still need to get that scan to you..

Glory Daze Music

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...