Sunday, August 5, 2012

News: Mike Selesia's "Flavor" reissued!

I didn't see this one coming. But the Shout! label of Japan (distributed by Universal), via their "Deep Jazz Reality" series, have uncovered this obscure gem from Fresno, California and released it on CD as a mini-LP.

This was one of our Priority 2's, so a much welcome reissue indeed!

We featured Mike Selesia almost exactly 2 years ago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sadly, Mike died in Fresno on October 3, 2013. He had been ill for some time, but in his lucid moments was trying to contact the record producer to inquire about royalties. He leaves behind a widow who is unable to pay for a funeral. Friends are helping.

Rayuela, Argentina ***REISSUED***

Rayuela. 1977 Orfeo ***Reissued by Fonocal, Dec 2024 Moved to UMR Priority: 1 3/16/14 (new entry); 12/10/24 (complete)