Monday, June 10, 2024

Charlies, Finland

Buttocks. 1970 Love

Had you told me that Charlies' Buttocks was from 1970 England or 1971 Germany, I would have believed you. Fantastic loud acid guitar, amplified sax, soft acoustic guitar and flute, tribal percussion and deep vocals. It's the blues-rock-jazz sound that was so popular during this era, and one of my personal favorite styles. If you like groups from Germany such as Nosferatu, Ardo Dombec, and Alcatraz or the UK bands like Diabolus and Raw Material, then this one is for you. Very energetic and superb release.

Priority: 2

***Reissued on LP by Shadoks 2013



Anonymous said...

I take it that the Red Fox Records CD reissue (RF 626, "Made under license by GCR A/S") is also a bootleg? This disc certainly wasn't mastered from a vinyl source, so whoever pressed it must have had a friend who worked at a pressing plant that kept all their tapes, or something like that.

And I'll take a guess and say that the inside source was most likely inside something as far down the chain as a pressing plant, because this sounds compressed and is lacking a proper low-end for a digital medium in much the same way a vinyl master would sound if you just stuck it on a CD. Or maybe this is a legitimate reissue, and someone over at Red Fox Records had no clue, when it came to proper CD remastering.

The label doesn't exist anymore, last time I checked.

Purple Peak Records said...

Red Fox are a known pirate label. They have many releases that aren't authorized. Unfortunately. Interesting that this one has the proper sound, as the few I've heard are substandard, but I've not heard their reissue of Charlies. Myself, I only own the bootleg LP (on Hell), which also sounds good.

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...