Monday, June 10, 2024

Nanu Urwerk, Germany

Irgendwo... Nicht Weit von Hier. 1980 Tonstudio Bieber

Highly creative fusion effort from unknown German band. Flute, trombone and electric piano are the primary instruments with a few nice guitar licks thrown in for good measure. There's also some interesting voices in German. It's hard to pin the tail on the donkey with this one, so easy reference calling is a tough challenge. Certainly an encyclopedic knowledge of the German fusion scene from 1976-1984 helps, and you may want to yell out "Mosaik" or "Surgery" to your puzzled friends. Zappa and Canterbury get cameos as well. Nevertheless, it's an album that needs repeated listening to fully appreciate, the perfect justification for a much needed reissue.

Priority: 2


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Richard Sussman / Andy LaVerne / Bob Moses ~ USA

Tributaries. 1979 Inner City UMR review Priority: 2 3/12/25 (new entry)