We start TOMORROW. I've managed to publish a solid backlog of daily entries taking us into early October (it helped that I took a couple of days off of work to do this) with a few more to hear. Tentatively scheduling mid October for our BIG announcement (see below). Not all of the albums were great (or even good), in my opinion of course, but that's to be expected. But I do think they are all interesting at least - and many are heavily sought after. We will either enhance or demystify their reputation. Some of the albums have been posted to the blogosphere already, while others were passed to me in secret by hooded figures via hidden cathedrals. And one of the albums you will be able to hear IN FULL (or rather 7 of 8 tracks), as we will be able to point to you where it is on the internet. The album itself has been shared by a band member. It's buried because no one knows what the album is! And we will bring it to light soon. You won't want to miss it. Thanks again to all the contributors that made the 2013 CDRWL Rarities Exposition possible. I hope you enjoy reading about them as well!
Just a quick note to let you all know that I do have some rarities that have come through the door within the last year. I have yet to hear them myself, but advanced word says they are worthy of our attention. I got off to a bit of a false start with the Humus album in early June, but then redirected my attention onto another music project for the summer - mainly listening to CDs that are in my collection that I haven't heard in forever (examples: Drama - s/t (France) 17 years since last heard; debut album by the Polish band Lizard - 16 years since I last pulled it from the shelf. And dozens more). I think that's going to be my summer routine going forward.
We've been the fortunate recipient of many great looking rare items as sent in by the now legendary The AC, as well as wonderful contributions from Tristan Stefan and SF. And we have a new contributor - someone who is cloaked in mystery. A dark shrouded figure who we don't even know actually. Someone we will refer to as He Who Must Not Be Named.
And we're sitting on one major gem in this pile. One that we first heard last year via The AC, but we sat on it as we worked behind the scenes for a CD reissue. Perhaps the rarest US progressive album ever made. And it's a killer. This is not hype I assure you. A jaw dropper. Better than even the Ginga Rale Band, Rob Thomsett, and Phase that we discovered last year. It's almost too good to be true. But it IS real. And no one knows about it. That's going to be the cherry on the top of this year's discoveries.
I'm targeting a start date around September 14th or sometime after. So check back then. Of course, I will continue to share news as it comes in.
In the meantime, I'm also sitting on a huge backlog of ready-to-go entries for Unencumbered Music Reviews and Under the Radar. I plan on getting those out this weekend - so there should be daily postings on both those sites for days to come.
A listing of obscure 60's, 70's, and 80s prog, psych, and hard rock albums that remain largely unknown.
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Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***
We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...

Final Update for this post: October 20, 2015 Current CDRWL News can be found here CDRWL Priority 1 can be found here * - A very good...
It's been a long time since Musea has released anything from the 1970s. Here we don't have a reissue, but a very intriguing looking ...
The Forum Quorum. 1968 Decca The Forum Quorum is a way cool psych album from New York City area teenagers. They exclusively used Vox Contin...
1 comment:
Wow. Exciting news ahead!
Honestly, I think, speaking for all the progheads out there, I really can't wait!
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