Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Advancement, USA

The Advancement - s/t. 1969 Philips

Another title from the CD-R revisit project. There is a "gray area" reissue out there, but we're calling for a better one.

No question that The Advancement are a bunch of jazzers trying their hand at the hip psychedelic sounds of the day. But in the end, they come across as a bunch of clueless squares. Because if they could have let loose on the foundation laid, this would have been an album for the ages. As it stands, The Advancement remains a fine album of instrumental jazz/rock without one notable standout track, including the usual call-outs like 'Stone Folk' and 'Fall Out' which of course feature the only fuzz on the album. Potential unrealized - though worth hearing and owning for certain.

Priority: 3

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Rayuela, Argentina ***REISSUED***

Rayuela. 1977 Orfeo ***Reissued by Fonocal, Dec 2024 Moved to UMR Priority: 1 3/16/14 (new entry); 12/10/24 (complete)