Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Lodestar, USA-Ohio

Lodestar. 1979 private

Springfield, Ohio's Lodestar were typical of the era and location. Bad ass hard rock was the order of the day, with its loud guitar and AOR styled melodic anthem mentality. That which was predominantly played on the region's FM stations of the day. I'm pretty sure I heard cowbell (try the Shakespearean 'For the Want of a Woman' if you're not paying attention). This is the music one plays at the warehouse, in the middle of summer while sweating bullets, desperately awaiting the "roach coach" to bring you the chocolate milk and Dolly Madison Zingers you so crave. All five guys on the cover look like they should be wearing Gulf Blue uniforms, oval name patches, and holding a wrench. And after recording this album... ...they probably did!

Turns out 3/5th's of the band formed a more commercially oriented hard rock band called Scram a year later. THEN they went to work for the gas station...

Priority: 2


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Sinto ~ Germany

Right on Brother. 1972 Philips UMR review Priority: 3 3/6/25 (new entry)