Sunday, April 18, 2010

Synthesis, France ***REISSUED***

Synthesis. 1976 Arc-RCA

***Reissued by Dare Dare in 2002  

Well, it turns out there is a CD on the Dare Dare label from 2002, nullifying this entry.

2002 (complete); 4/18/10 (new entry)


Rob said...

Hi Tom, just thought I'd give you a heads-up that Synphonic does carry the CD reissue, if you're looking for it.

Also, if you like this album, you may want to check out an LP by a group called Working Progress that sounded quite similar, If I remember correctly. I think it was actually yet another JP Massiera related project. There was also a spin-off group from Cortex called Caribou that was very much in this vein. Unfortunately, they only seem to have released one single. It was pretty good, anyway.

Purple Peak Records said...

Ah, so Greg does have it! I should have checked there first. Thanks for the tips on Working Progress and Caribou, neither of which I was familiar with.

Rhea, Switzerland

Sad Sorceress. 1980 private (HD 363) And here it is - probably one of the most mythical of the sought-after releases by progressive rock fan...