Wednesday, March 13, 2013

News: Luis Perez's "En El Ombligo De La Luna" reissued on CD

While reading Wayside's updates, I noticed that this very rare album from Mexico by Luis Perez (aka Mexico Magico Cosmico) has been reissued. I'm not a fan personally - but I did have it as part of the main CDRWL list, and so you can read my thoughts there. But I know plenty of folks who like this album, and this news will be most certainly welcome. It looks like they also used the wonderful gatefold cover version (there are two LP releases, with different covers).

Here's what Steve says: "In the early 1980s, there was a small explosion of interesting and very unique progressive music coming out of Mexico. One of the paths being explored at that time was music that fused progressive music and ambient music with the instruments of pre-Hispanic Mexico; the sounds BEFORE the conquerors came and changed the continent hugely. The bigger names in the field were Suso Saiz and Jorge Reyes, but one of the first people to release a record that gained attention outside of Mexico was Luis Perez, who released this album in 1981.

Never before reissued on CD, this ALREADY SOLD OUT, privately released, limited edition release is taken from the original stereo lp master tapes and comes in a really nice, embossed, mini-lp sleeve that perfectly replicates the original lp cover.

The only problem with all those fine Mexican releases was the generally poor pressing; doubly a problem with rather quiet music. This CD release is an incalculable improvement on the original, very rare album. Recommended!"

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Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

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