Monday, January 28, 2013

The Search Party, USA ***REISSUED***

Montgomery Chapel. 1969 Century

***Reissued by Lion Productions Jan 2013

Moved to UMR

Priority: 2

11/29/11 (new entry); 1/28/13 (complete)

News: Search Party "Montgomery Chapel" coming soon on Lion!

Here's a reissue we first announced back on December 17, 2011. And now over a year later we have confirmation that this great psych album is coming soon. Here's our feature of the album. This will likely be one of the best reissues of the year (of course Lion is also preparing the amazing Laurence Vanay (2) and Probe 10 albums, so they might even surpass their own accomplishment!) In the last few years, Lion has established themselves as the top reissue label from the USA, at least as far as the CDRWL is concerned. There is an additional CD of material coming from the St. Pius X Seminary Choir, including their 1968 album "Each One Heard About the Marvels of God In His Own Way", which appears to be groundbreaking as an avant garde styled choral project. Sounds like excellent bonus material to me!

Here's the label skinny: "Recorded at the San Francisco Theological Seminary's own Montgomery Chapel, acid-folk-rock psychedelic gem Search Party 'Montgomery Chapel' was the brainchild of (then Reverend) Nicholas Freund. Having left Wisconsin in the late 1960s to join a burgeoning West Coast religious scene, Freund spent considerable time in Sacramento before making their way to San Francisco in 1968 to lay down this one-off with some students of his. The result is a spooky, metaphysical trip that's equal parts God and acid-dripped mind expansion. Laced with haunting vocals and dreamlike passages, Montgomery Chapel is psychedelic music at its most evocative, and most spiritual. Original copies (only 600 were pressed on the custom Century label) carry substantial price tags. The recordings released by the St. Pius X Seminary Choir were made in the year or two which led up to the recording of the Search Party album. Not only did the three St. Pius X Seminary Choir records showcase the first work by Nick Freund, but they also were the first recordings of Search Party guitarist and vocalist Peter Apps. As one of the press clips regarding the Choir stated, "The choral treatment was electrified by a few phrases sung solo by Peter Apps, who is also the lead guitar. If Apps has not already formed a folk-rock group around that voice, he should. It is rich, deep, and ringing." Luckily, Freund and Apps heeded their advice, and the Search Party was the result. But nothing could have prepared listeners for the bizarre avant-garde (in the truest sense) electronic soundscapes backed by rock instruments which open "Each One Heard In His Own Language About the Marvels of God" (1968). The album settles down into a less out-there groove after the opening, but this is still adventurous stuff. During my conversations with Nick Freund, he told me that the electric sounds on the album were the work of composer Dary John Mizelle. Mizelle studied composition and participated in the New Music Ensemble at the University of California, Davis (the first free group improvisation ensemble); there he participated in a course led by Karlheinz Stockhausen. Mizelle is also a founding member of SOURCE Music of the Avant Garde magazine. Our two-disc set includes both albums, plus bonus tracks taken from ultra-rare early albums by the St. Pius X Seminary Choir. The 28-page booklet is packed with information, thanks to Freund, who was gracious enough to delve into his memory, scrapbook, and photo albums to help us flesh out the portrait of one of the most potent-and perhaps one of the most unlikely-psychedelic groups to ever record an album."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fernand Pena et Puzzle, France

Fernand Pena et Puzzle - s/t. 1977 Centaur

It's been awhile since I added something new to the CDRWL. It's always nice to hear an obscurity that is really quite good. We have our good friend SF to thank for this entry, as he had sent me a CD-R a few months ago. About a month later, I finally dug into the disc, and was impressed with what I was hearing. As luck would have it, there happened to be a copy on ebay just as I was hearing it. As you can see from above, the cover is pretty fascinating, and I immediately determined I wanted an original LP. Even the label design is alluring! The photos above are from that auction that yours truly surprisingly managed to win. Since the seller had already done the heavy lifting regarding the photos, I figured I'll share some of them here. Credits of course go to that gentleman! The auction ended December 9th and after a few weeks (shipped from France during Christmas season), I received the LP. And then of course it took me another couple of weeks to hear the LP itself. And... being the lazy I am, here's the entry two weeks after that. Haha, such is my life.

This isn't a monster new discovery on the level of Ginga Rale Band or Rob Thomsett, but it sure is a delight to hear. If all this sounds interesting, definitely put the feelers out for a copy.

Moved to UMR

Priority: 3

Thursday, January 17, 2013

News: Yasuo Inada & Bemi Family to be reissued in March!

Thanks to a tip from our friend and Gnosis mate Nobuhisa in Tokyo, we learned that the very obscure Japanese album "Kankaku Shikou" by Yasuo Inada & Bemi Family will be reissued on March 1. The label behind this endeavor is called Bridge, which is a new label for us, but apparently has a quite a presence in Japan. We are clearly in a Renaissance time for reissues of Japanese indigenous underground rock albums of the early 1970s!

Be sure to read our original entry, with excellent insights from Shige over at Prog Not Frog. In the comments, you'll see Nobuhisa's remarks as well.

Here's the label blurb, translated from its original Japanese by Google, and so it's a complete and total mess. But I think you can figure out most of this (it appears the title of the album means "sense"):

"Great masterpiece of progressive rock Mellotron sum is finally reissued.Reprint inlay-fidelity hand-written at the time Obi LP · Released in 1975· Dared latest interview cooperation of Mr. Yasuo Inada himselfLatest remastered sound-2013Specifications 2CD Ketteiban full songs plus seven currently difficult to obtain!In addition to thinking "sense" the only work that Yasuo Inada has left in 1974, "this morning Sunshine cw /" single was released in the same period, "cw / Little Sunshine Okichan dolphin theme song" of the International Ocean Exposition Okinawa , recording a performance of "The Sun" in the "East-West" sponsored Yamahaongakushinkokai. Ketteiban just covering the work of Yasuo Inada in the 1970s!The performer thinking "sense": (KEYBOARDS) Yasuo Inada, (DRUMS) Shoji Fujii, (E.Guitar) Shozo Shimura, ONNA (pf) Shoji Fujii on drums (Smoky Medicine, Ippudo, etc.), the guitar also recorded piano fluent Shozo Shimura, by someone in addition to it has been credited under the name of "ONNA?". And, Yasuo Inada is responsible for a variety of keyboard instrument synthesizer, Moog, Hammond organ, and Mellotron.

M-1, M-2 with the motif of a "shadow reflected in the water" original works of Debussy Suite elongated form with the motif of the "Pathetique" Beethoven. M-3 is a single piece that was previously released under the name "Family Yasuo Inada & Bae Mi".Unique melody that has been spun out by intuition, the music structure too much freedom will continue to expand the exciting and complex are thinking "sense" exactly. Work a very high degree of perfection embodied in the best possible way with the catharsis of progressive rock.In addition, aggregated into a single bonus disc together sound, which was released around the same time of the release thinking "sense" this time. Mascot was done (same song and M-3 of the Journal "thinking feeling") singles that have been released under the name "& Bae Mi family Yasuo Inada" M-1, in 1975 the "International Ocean Exposition, Okinawa" M-3 and M-4 theme song "Okichan" is also included original karaoke version was unearthed recently.M-7 are live recordings was awarded best keyboardist from the "East-West '77"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

News: Necromonicon releases new album of older material

We don't normally announce albums that are re-recordings, but this is worth the exception I think. And besides look at that cover! It's a recreation of their famous 1972 album. As a collector, if that doesn't capture your imagination, I'm not sure what else would. The album is a private release and will be available in both LP and CD formats.

2/14/13 update: As you can see in the comments, Walter (Necronomicon's guitarist) has a clarification - and he's right. These are not re-recordings but rather new recordings of material composed in the early 1970s. There is a difference! My copy should be here soon - I'm quite excited about it!

Here's the official blurb: "Since 2010 NECRONOMICON started playing again with mostly the original cast of band members (Harald Bernhardt, drums; Norbert Breuer, Git.; Gerd Libber, Bass; Walter Sturm, Git.). On the keyboards now Helmut Herzog is providing our as near as original Sound. In professional studio quality songs we composed between 1972 and 1974, which never had been documented in good quality, were recorded. The new vinyl LP HAIFISCHE (Sharks) plus CD as bonus will be published on December 22nd 2012. The cover reappraises the artwork and design of our 'Tips zum Selbstmord' LP."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

News: Jiro Inagaki and Big Soul Media "By the Red Stream" reissued on CD

This is a new title for us, but following on the AC's announcement of the Mannheim Rock Ensemble CD, he also recommends this new reissue from Nippon Columbia. Last year as we were deep diving into the Japanese underground, we featured Jiro Inagaki's "Dosojin" album, one of our Priority 3's. And while it doesn't appear that album has been reissued yet (and with all these sudden reissues out of Japan, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see one), in the interim it appears this is well worth seeking out. The AC says: "It's kind of an anti-war concept album with just four long instrumental pieces. It's basically what you would call electric big-band or electric modal jazz rather that straight up jazz-rock, but it does feature some nice organ work, fuzz/wah guitar and plenty of Fender Rhodes. A really well-done and atmospheric album, if you're so inclined. Needless to say, this one has been a very rare and expensive item in the Japanese jazz collector scene for many years, and has seemed to completely escape notice in the outside world."

The AC also provided a link to Amazon Japan, which features some sound samples as well.

News: Mannheim Rock Ensemble reissued on CD

We've recently heard from the AC who informs us that along with the Miyama album, Columbia also reissued The Mannheim Rock Ensemble "Rock of Joy" album. This was another AC discovery from last year that we featured. Be sure to read his thorough review! Not a high priority item by any means, but certainly worth mentioning for fans of the crazy early 70s Japanese psych culture.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year and the CDRWL turns 10 years old!

It's hard to believe that the CDRWL is now already 10 years old. The project started in January of 2003 simply as a public place to store my personal CD reissue wishlist. It was originally a straight text list of albums with no descriptions or priority levels. It has since grown to this uncontrollable mess of obscurities. In 2009, I moved it from my personal website to Blogger, as it made more sense to report the data in this fashion.

While we no longer have daily postings of obscurities to talk about, I still have a few items I have yet to report on. Some are due to my constant laziness, while others are being held under wraps for a variety of reasons. And God knows there are plenty of albums we have yet to hear. I suspect we will continue the pace of 2012 - with more news postings and less discoveries. If interested, there's a bit more detail about the history and contents of the CDRWL in the FAQ (see link above this entry).

While 2003 may have been my first time to publish a list on a website, it wasn't the first time I had compiled a list for discussion. I have been making various lists ever since I started collecting in earnest around 1983 or so. And my first CD reissue wish lists probably go back to the early 1990s when CDs were first taking hold as the predominant medium. I recall having bands such as Algarnas Tradgard on CD reissue wish lists, and that was reissued in 1995.

So for fun, I fished out an ancient CD Reissue Wishlist I had posted in the old Usenet (remember Usenet?) group which had just recently proceeded Unbelievably the RMP group still exists, though it seems strictly fodder for spammers anymore.

This list was published on June 18, 1996. What's most interesting to me is the kind of albums that were most important to me then, and how my tastes have changed some (though many are still favorites!). As well, many of the items I have listed in the CDRWL are albums I've owned long before 1996 - right from the top: Automatic Fine Tuning (bought in 1985), Achim Reichel and Machines (I bought "3" in 1985, and most of his remaining catalog in the late 80s), and many others I can spot immediately. Why I left albums like that off, I'm not sure. Back then I considered bootlegs as being reissued, something that is abhorrent to me now.  But even many of those titles didn't have a bootleg at the time. So it may have been a priority thing, or most likely it was never intended to be a comprehensive list. Just a quickly drawn up one for discussion. Now, to be clear, I certainly didn't know as many obscurities as I do now. The list has grown exponentially since 2006. Interestingly, this list did indeed draw quite a bit of comments (which was its purpose of course), mostly from folks I still correspond with today (yes, including you Laser Ken!). The hardcore collector guys I suppose. Also, you may be surprised by how many of these still haven't been reissued!

Here's that 1996 list with an update on each:

Ache - De Homine Urbano / Green Man (Denmark)
---Reissued together by Philips (2000). Recently reissued separately by Esoteric (2012)

Airlord - Clockwork Revenge (Australia)
---Well I figured out that they were from New Zealand. Still in the CDRWL! Priority 2

Archaia - same (France)
---Reissued by Soleil Zeuhl (1998)

Arlequin - same (aka Gerardo Batiz) (Mexico)
---Still in the CDRWL. Listed correctly here on the site as Gerardo Batiz. Priority 3

Arpa Derba - L'Aleph (Italy)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Artcane - Odyssee (France)
---Unbelievably still in the CDRWL. Priority 1
Avalanche - Perserverance Kills our Game (Netherlands) PLEASE!!!!
---They ignored my plea. Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1

Azahar - Elixir (Spain)
---Reissued by Fonomusic in 1997 (not long after this list!). Also released again in 2003 on Fonomusic.

Bock, Wolfgang - Cycles (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Brave New World - Impressions on Reading Alduos Huxley (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1. I can't believe one of the great German reissue labels haven't done this one yet! Lots of pirate editions though.

Caja de Pandora - same (Mexico)
---Here's a good example of something I really don't care about anymore. However it did come out on CD shortly after this on Sol & Deneb (1997).

Cathedral - Epilog (USA) Unreleased second.
---One type of album I have yet to cover in the CDRWL is those that were never released. I don't have that many of these to report on, but Cathedral's second would be one of the first I'd publish. I transferred the cassette I had to a CD-R. It really needs to be issued at some point. Almost as good as "Stained Class Stories"!

Cohen-Solal, Jean - Captain Tarpathom (France)
---Reissued along with "Flute Libres" (an album I hadn't heard at the time or I would've asked for it!) on the much missed Israeli label Mio (2003) run by friend Meidad.

Cosmic Debris - same (USA)
---Never reissued properly, but you can get a CD-R from the band direct. Or that used to be the situation as I'm not sure anymore. So it's still in the CDRWL.

Dervieux, Franck - Dimension M (Canada)
---Wow, this just got reissued in 2012 by ProgQuebec!

Eela Craig - same (Austria)
---This was on Garden of Delights coming soon list at the time, and they did reissue it one year later (1997)

Ejwuusl Wessaqhan - same (Germany)
---Reissued by Garden of Delights (1996). This must've come out right after I published this!

Ellufant - Release Concert (Netherlands)
---Still in the CDRWL. I'm not so keen on this title anymore. Priority zero.

Emergency Exit - Sortie et Secours (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2. I know Mio was looking at this title too! :-(

Eskaton - Ardeur / Fiction (France)
---"Ardeur" reissued by Soleil Zeuhl (2003); "Fiction" Soleil Zeuhl (2005)

Et Cetera - same (Canada)
---Reissued by Unidisc (2001). That's the date from RYM, but I thought it came out in the late 1990s? I just looked at the CD and there's no date beyond the original 1976 copyright. My database entry only shows the original purchase date which was for me the original LP in the early 90s.

Falsini, Franco - Nasso Fredda (Italy)
---Well, it's been reissued, but just barely. It's part of those 6 CD Italian box sets that are pretty crappy. This one's on Volume 6 (2010). It would be nice to get a solo CD of this out by a specialty label. For some reason, I didn't ask for the Sensations' Fix albums later on. An obvious oversight, since I've owned those albums back to the 1980s. And they suffer from the same problem as this. The exception being "Fragments of Light" which was reissued a long time ago.

Fantasia - same (Finland)
---Fantastic reissue by Rocket Records (2010). We have the translated liner notes from Finnish to English on the UMR blog for those that are interested.

Fermata - same (Czechoslovakia)
---Reissued along with their second album on Bonton (1997)

Fine, Pete - On a Day of Crystalline Thought (USA)
---Reissued by Shadoks (2000)

First Aid - Nostradamus (England)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Flame Dream - Calatea / Elements (Switzerland)
---Might as well add Out in the Dark while we're at it. All 3 still in the CDRWL.This is a travesty that these still sit without a CD. Priority 1!!

Flamen Dialis - Symptome Dei (France)
---Reissued by Mio (2004)

Fusioon - Minorisa (Spain)
---All 3 Fusioon albums were reissued in 1997. The first 2 on Divucsa, and "Minorisa" on BMG/Ariola.

Galie - 1986 (Mexico)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority none (lost my interest in this title)

Gemini - Counterbalance (England)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Gloria's Children - Schutten (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority none (another one that I eventually sold the original LP of. To no regrets...)

Gnidrolog - In Spite of Harry's Toenail (England)
---This was first reissued by Audio Archives in 1999. And has since been reissued a few times, including a Japanese mini-LP and one from Esoteric. It was slow to market, but now is relatively common. Great album. As is Lady Lake, which I think did have a reissue prior to 1996.

Golem - Sand (Germany)
---I have the title and album backwards here. It's Sand - Golem. Reissued by United Durtro as part of "Ultrasonic Seraphim" in 1996 (another one that must've been reissued right after this list).

Gorizont - Summer in Town / Portrait Boy (Russia)
---Both reissued by Boheme Music (2000)

Gunesh Ensemble - Looking at the Earth (Turkmenistan)
---Reissued along with their first album (also great) by Boheme Music (1999)

Gutura - Des Etres Au Cerveau Apparent (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Haikara - same / Geafar (Finland)
---The first album was reissued by Fazer (1998) and has recently been reprinted by Warner Finland (2011). "Geafar" was reissued by Ektro (2000) and recently by Arcangelo as a Japanese mini-LP (2011).

Hero - same (Italy)
---Reissued by BTF/AMS (2006)

Het Pandora Ensemble - III (Netherlands)
---Reissued by Modulus just this past year (2012) in a fantastic mini-LP sleeve. Let's hope this initiative by Ken doesn't stop here!

Hydravion - same / Stratos Airlines (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. I love these albums, but even in 1996 some folks gave me the thumbs down on them. Oh well. Priority 2

Ilijin, Djordje - Zabranjino Prisivskivonje (Yugoslavia)
---Reissued by Mellow (2002)

Jupu Group - Ahmoo (Finland)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Kaczynski, Charles - Lumiere da le Nuit (Canada)
---Reissued by ProgQuebec (2006)

Kaseke - Poletus (USSR)
---Reissued by Boheme Music (2000) along with the EP "Sonum"

Kebnekaise - same / Elefanten (Sweden)
---The self-titled second album came out on parent label Silence in 2001. "Elefanten" is still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Kedama - Live at Sunrise Studios (Switzerland)
---Reissued by Black Rills  (1999)

Kracq - Circumvision (Netherlands)
---Reissued by the band (2004). At first, they did CD-R's but were talked into factory presses. And I own one so I know that's what they did!

Kvartetten Som Sprangde - Kattvalls (Sweden)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

L.S. Bearforce - same (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1!!

Lady Lake - No Pictures (Netherlands)
---Reissued by Musea/Musiphyle (1997)

Laura - same (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Loch Ness - same (Mexico)
---This is the 1988 album that never did get on CD. Priority 2

Lorentz, Yves et Alain - Espaces 2 (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Lotus - same (Sweden)
---Reissued by DuckYourMusic (2002). The also excellent "Vero O'Flera" was reissued by DuckYourMusic (2004).

Madore, Michel - Le Komuso a Cordes (Canada)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Magdalena - Lanean Sartzen (Spain/Basque)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Mirror - Daybreak (Netherlands)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Mosaic - Ultimatum (France)
---Reissued by Mio (2003)

Nathan Mahl - Parallel Eccentricities (Canada)
---Reissued by the band (1997)

Netherworld - In the Following Halflight (USA)
---Reissued by Musea (2002)

NHU - Grupo NHU (Spain)
---Reissued by Zafiro/BMG (2000)

Nishin - Dai Dai (Japan)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Nuance - Il est une Legende (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Ocarinah - Premiere Vision de L'Etrange (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1!!

October - same / Second of (USA)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Octopus - Thaerie Wiighen (Norway)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Parzival - Legend (Germany)
---Reissued by EastWest (1998)

Pataphonie - Le Matin Blanc (France)
---Reissued by Gazul/Musea (1999)

Picaresque of Bremen - Tales of an Alchemist (Japan)
---Here's another title I could care a less about now. Anyway it's still in the CDRWL. Priority none.

Planet of Man - Code III (Germany)
---I got this backwards too. In case you're wondering why this happened with both this title and Sand is because the catalogs of the day listed these backwards. And it's not real easy to tell on the original vinyl. In any case, this is still in the CDRWL. Priority 2.

Polyphony - same (USA)
---After a gazillion bootlegs this was finally reissued (not very well) by GearFab (2011)

Progressiv TM - Dreptul de a Visa (Romania)
---One of the more bizarre reissues. This was released by a German beat label specialist (legit) called Rock in Beat (2002). I have no idea why they took this on, but they did a fine job here.

Ra Can Row - same (USA)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2. And I have some new data to report on this title, once I finally get around to researching further.

Rainbow Theatre - The Armada (Australia)
---Reissued by Aztec (2006). The also excellent followup "Fantasy of Horses" was reissued by Aztec as well in 2006.

Ram - Where? In Conclusion (USA) there's *got* to be unreleased material.
---And I *still*  say that. There's a dubious reissue on Akarma that we've rejected (it's case by case with that label). So this is one of our Priority 1's!

Ravjunk - Uppsala Stadshotel Brinner (Sweden)
---Reissued by Transubstans (2007) with a whole album's worth of unreleased material.

Red - same (England)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1!!

Rhamann - same (France)
---That should be Rahmann. Reissued by Musea (1998)

Rumpelstiltzen Commune - same (Switzerland)
---Reissued by Black Rills (2000)

Saino - same (France)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Saisai-Koubou - same (Japan)
---Should be Saisei-Koubou. Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Sepi Kuu - Rannan Usvassa (Finland)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1!!

Sepsis - Liturgia Bezumia (Russia)
---Reissued by Boheme Music (2000). Boy, there was a label that took care of business, right? All those Boheme reissues are great too!

Sirius - Running to Paradise (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 2

Stern Meissen Combo - Weisses Gold (Germany)
---First reissued by Hansa Musik in 1997 and many times since.

Surpreize - Zeer Oude Klanken... Geluiden (Netherlands)
---This is another album I've lost interest in. It's still in the CDRWL as a Priority none. There is a legit LP reissue for those interested.

Tantra - Misterios e Marahavilas / Holocausto (Portugal)
---Both of these came out from Musea (1998 and 1999 respectively)

Topos Uranos - Suite Mistica (Brazil)
---Wow, I totally forgot about this title. I sold the LP years ago. I don't think it ever did come out on CD! Well, Jeff is going to bring over his LP next time he's over to help jog my memory and I'll put up an entry then.

Tortilla Flat - Fur ein 3/4 Studchen (Germany)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 1!!! And the unreleased 1973 SWF Sessions is Priority PLEASE IN MY LIFETIME!

Travelling - Voici la Nuit Tombee (France)
---Reissued by Mellow (2000). Mellow also reissued the excellent Triode album which I hadn't heard by 1996.

Trikolon - Cluster (Germany)
---Funny that I requested this title. It's good, but not great. All the same, I do own the CD that Garden of Delights issued in 2003.

Vindication - same (USA)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Vortex - Les Cycles de Thanatos (France)
---Reissued (along with the also excellent first album) by Triton (2003)

Wurtemburg - Rock Fantasia Opus 9 (France)
---Reissued by Musea (2002)

Zartong - same (Armenia)
---Still in the CDRWL. Priority 3

Zyma - Thoughts (Germany)
---Reissued by Garden of Delights (1998). Unfortunately the very good "Brave New World" remains without an issue (Priority 3) though GoD still has it on their coming soon list.

Wow! That was fun going down memory lane. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I had putting it together!

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...