(12/30/07) Portugese label Companhia Nacional de Música (CNM) has reissued "Mestre", the debut album by Petrus Castrus. We said: "This 1973 album is a mix of late psych and early hard rock. Reminds us of some of the Italian beat groups from 1970 or so (and their relative progression)".
(12/30/07) BTF/AMS have reissued the rare 1972 Italian jazz rock album by the Showmen 2.
(12/30/07) Wooden Hill has reissued the archival 1967 psych release by Dantelian's Chariot "Chariot Rising" (originally issued in 1996). Features legends such as Zoot Money and Andy Summers.
(12/21/07) Looks like Pseudonym Records of The Netherlands is back! Their first comeback reissue is an extended version of Coda's "Sound of Passion", which had been reissued by the now defunkt SI label in the 1990s. Lots of great Dutch material that still needs a proper reissue, and Pseudonym were definitely The Netherlands finest indigenous reissue label.
(12/21/07) According to one source, it appears that Belle Antique of Japan will be reissuing both Speed Limit albums from France (and is in our Part 1 section). Not sure if these will be mini's or straight jewel case issues. Rare that a rare European album comes out in Japan first, so not sure if this is a collaboration, or that these will be exclusive to Belle Antique.
(12/21/07) Eclectic label Water has issued an archival release by Harmonia titled "Live 1974" and is reported to be excellent (and all original material), similar to "Cluster 2" or "Musik von Harmonia". (and since verified - outstanding release!)
(12/21/07) We didn't report this originally, but there's a 1975 archival release out by a band called Scarecrew, released on the US based Ricochet label. Scarecrew featured, amongst others, such Krautrock luminaries like John L. (Ash Ra Tempel) and Steve Schroyder (early Tangerine Dream). We have it on order, so we'll see how it turns out! (And verified...see our "Other Reviews" section from the main home page. Well worth getting!)
(12/21/07) As first reported on (10/30/07), the Achim Reichel "Die Grune Reise" is now available.
(12/16/07) As we first mentioned on (9/14/2006), Long Hair will indeed reissue the long awaited green Brain 1973 album by Kollektiv. With SPV inheriting the rights to the long neglected Metronome line, it was unclear where Kollektiv would fall. This is great news for us, as it's been in our TOP PRIORITY list for many years. Included are 28 minutes of bonus tracks by a slightly different era of the band who supposedly play in a KC "Red" era style (that should be interesting!). Also look for a new double live CD from Rufus Zuphall called "Outside the Gates of Eden", which was taken from a reunion concert in 2006. Thanks to reader Jim for the heads up on both items!
(12/16/07) On (10/09/07) we mentioned Garden of Delight's latest batch of releases would include Joy Unlimited's "Reflections", P205's "Vivat Progressio Pereat Mundus" and a live recording by Out of Focus called "Palermo 1972". Those are all out now PLUS they reissued Faithful Breath's second album "Back on My Hill" from 1980 (and recorded in 1978). As well, GoD's non-German Thors Hammer line has put out the Irish Coffee album from 1971. The band themselves put the CD out in the 90s but it had fallen OOP.
(12/16/07) Sunbeam Records is finally giving proper reissues to albums that may have been reissued legitimately, but without much information or insight. Their next important reissue is the sole album by Human Beast "Volume One", with photos and historical liner notes. A brilliant trio, and one of the most inventive guitar trio albums from the golden age. As well, Sunbeam is tackling The Habibiyya album "If Man But Knew", an early foray into world music by former members of Mighty Baby.
(12/8/07) We were given a CD-R by a friend that was called Art Jackson's Atrocity, and the album is titled "Gout". Supposedly an unreleased demo on Columbia from 1974 that is in need of a CD reissue. What a bunch of baloney. This is most certainly a hoax. We could give many reasons why, but just do your own search for this album and see if you see anything prior to 2007 about it (oh, and take a look at the "album cover" closely, etc, etc). It's all good fun, and it's not like they charged money for the scam. The album is actually quite good (in a Praxis meets early 70s era Miles Davis sort of way). They should release it as a new album and maybe call the band Art Jackson's Atrocity! There's an audience out there for this album. We hope they put it out properly. (update: There's been some research done that suggests the album may be from the late 1980s! Hopefully we'll learn more)
(12/2/07) Now out on Aztec Records (Australia) is Kush's debut album "Snow White... and the Eight Straights" which is reported to be a cross between David Bowie and Blood Sweat and Tears (!). We haven't heard it yet, but it's already been queued up for a listen in the near future. In Aztec's "Coming Soon" section, there are many more 1970s progressive items including Pirana's two albums!
(11/26/07) In addition to SPV tackling the Brain catalog, they have now announced they will be reissuing some gems from the great MPS label, Germany's finest purveyor of underground jazz fusion from the early 1970s. Looks like we can expect releases from Wolfgang Dauner and Association PC amongst many others! More InsideOut SPV news can be found at (10/18/07) below.
(11/6/07) Esoteric has just announced an exciting release schedule for January and February of 2008. For us, the big one is Heaven's "Brass Rock I" (anyway we can talk you into doing a Japanese mini-LP license?). This is one of the best progressive horn rock albums and has never been put out legit. Also of great importance is the reissue of Web's "I Spider" which has only been available as a very expensive Japanese import and has been OOP for about 10 years (another title that would benefit nicely in a Japanese mini-LP package). They're also reissuing Web's followup album by the renamed Samurai, which is an utterly brilliant album (and existed on CD briefly in the late 90s). All of these will be remastered and we will definitely pick them up upon release. Also look for albums by Mike Moorcock and Deep Fix-"New Worlds Fair", Fair Weather-"Beginning From an End', Gary Farr-"Strange Fruit" (featuring Richard Thompson and Mighty Baby), Claire Hamill-"One House Left Standing", and Claire Hamill-"October". More Esoteric news can be found on (7/5/07) below
(11/6/07) We were doing a little idle research when we came across a title we had put in Part 2. "Blumen Des Exotischen Eises - Karawane Der Mystiks (Germany) 1987 private. Low budget Krautrock before the revival movement gained some momentum. Still, a nice curiosity piece for fans of the genre." It's actually on CD from Psycho-Path Records and is available from Forced Exposure.
(10/30/07) Some great news for one of the most requested reissues: Achim Reichel will be reissuing "Die Grune Reise" along with the short film of the same name! Apparently Reichel owns all of his prior work, and he may reissue all of them soon. We can hope! Thanks to reader Mike for the heads-up.
(10/30/07) Paul Marcano of Lightdreams has reached out to inform us that the "Islands in Space" album is available on their website as a download for a fee. As I told Paul, I'll continue to leave in the CD reissue wishlist for those (like me) who prefer that medium.
(10/18/07) Looks like InsideOut's Revisited division is really amping up their Brain reissue series. For the most part they've only reissued what Repertoire did when they had the Metronome license (many of the "new" reissues include Grobschnitt, Jane and Novalis), but two caught my eye. One is Spermull's sole hard rock album, which Second Battle did many years ago and has been OOP for a long time. The other is the electronic supergroup Liliental, which has never been reissued legit! We had the LP years ago, and was in the process of revisiting it for an entry here. No need for that now! Maybe Satin Whale's "Desert Places" and the Kollektiv album won't be far behind?
(10/18/07) Wooden Hill is the CD arm of the reissue label Tenth Planet, which specializes in lost UK psych rarities. They have a few new CDs out including Icarus' "The Marvel World of Icarus" and Forever Amber's "The Love Cycle". Maybe of most interest to our readers is the archival folk psych album by Chimera that featured both Pink Floyd and Fleetwood Mac members.
(10/09/07) We have advance word that Garden of Delights next batch of releases will include Joy Unlimited's excellent 1973 album "Reflections" (guessing "Minne" won't be far behind now), P205's very rare Brutkasten release "Vivat Progressio Pereat Mundus" and a live recording by Out of Focus called "Palermo 1972", recorded between their second and third albums. More GoD news can be found on (8/20/07).
(10/05/07) We've recently heard from Epilogue Records and they've asked that we mention that there's a new pressing of Truth's "Them and Other Tales" available at CD Baby . At CD Baby there's an excellent description from Mr. Lama Reviews, but we'll also mention that this is one of the best archival psych reissues we've come across (having stumbled onto the original CD a few years ago). Most of the great 1960s psych scene did make it to LP, and so most of the "lost tapes" were best left that way. Truth is the exception. Check it out!
(9/21/07) Long Hair of Germany have just reissued Wolfgang Dauner's "The Oimels". Hopefully they'll tackle the remainder of Dauner's Krautrock / electric jazz period - as there are many to go! (More Long Hair news can be found on 7/5 and 5/9 below).
(9/21/07) In the "oops" category, I had the English band CWT listed in the reissue pages. But the album was reissued by the excellent Ohrwaschl label many years ago and is still available... Doh!
(9/16/07) EMI of Argentina has reissued a handful of albums, most of which have been OOP for some time (Bubu, Alas, Polifemo, Los Jaivas, etc..). However one album is a first timer (and we had in Pt. 2 of the list): Jorge Pinchevsky's "Su Violin Magico Y La Pesada" that was originally released in 1973 on the Harvest imprint. It wasn't until the beginning of this year that we finally heard this album, and it's one that we considered a top curiosity for a few years. Has nice violin and hard guitars, with a slight experimental vibe. Reminds us somewhat of High Tide. The album is short, and doesn't clear 30 minutes. It doesn't look like the CD has bonus tracks either. Still worth a listen if you get a chance!
(9/16/07) Karma Records of Denmark has done the CD reissue for Terje, Jesper & Joachim, the superrare 1971 hard psych album that Shadoks issued on LP earlier this year. (11/6/07 note - This isn't right. Shadoks themselves did the CD of the above album as well as Indonesia's Shark Move!)
(8/28/07) The Laser's Edge has announced the much anticipated Secret Oyster reissue album for 2007 and it's.... wait.... they did both of the remaining studio albums! So we get their 4th "Straight to the Krankenhaus" and debut "Furtive Pearl" (with the much preferred original street scene cover). This leaves a live album and an unreleased archival album to go. Plus there are hints of a new album in the works!
(8/28/07) As announced on 1/28/07 below, ProgQuebec is going to production with the first two Maneige albums, very welcome news!
(8/20/07) Garden of Delights has recently put out two archival live recordings: Guru Guru "Wiesbaden 1972" and Emma Myldenberger "Emmaz Live". More news can be found at (5/9/07) below.
(8/20/07) 1980's English prog band Solstice has reformed and are celebrating by self-releasing their three studio albums on CD in the very near future.
(7/21/07) Well it looks like Musea is finally getting around to reissuing the third Edition Speciale album "Horizon Digital", which may be our favorite of the bunch. Bonus tracks include the demos for a 4th album.
(7/21/07) It looks like Sunbeam Records will *finally* be the legit label that gets the Czar album out on CD. It's been booted so many times, it seemed that it was owned by public domain.
(7/21/07) Fallout Records, which seems to have an association with Sunbeam, has recently reissued Parish Hall, which we had in Part 2. I also noticed they had done Pulse awhile back, so I'll update that as well. Both Sunbeam and Fallout have quite a few reissues, some of which we've announced, but most we haven't (mainly as they fall slightly out of our interest area). Check the Forced Exposure catalog for more info, as they seem to be the primary dealer in the USA.
(7/5/07) In the "ask and ye shall receive" category, Long Hair did in fact reissue Odin's sole 1972 Vertigo album (see 5/9/07 below).
(7/5/07) High quality Eclectic Records now goes by Esoteric, and has an aggressive release schedule planned for the remainder of 2007. Maybe of most interest is the CD reissues of the first two Rare Bird albums, which have been OOP for as long as anyone can remember. Also look for Paladin's two albums, Egg's "Civil Surface", Marsupilami's "Arena" (interesting how their remaster will sound on this one), both Hatfield and the North albums, 8 albums from Welsh group Man, 2 albums by Love Sculpture and more... One album that caught our eye is Big Sleep's 1971 "Bluebell Wood", which we haven't heard, but understand its quite worthy. More Eclectic/Esoteric news can be found on (2/3/07) below.
(7/5/07) German label World in Sound will reissue one of our "Part 2" albums: The Tea Company's 1968 album "Come and Have Some Tea With the Tea Company". Here's what we said "This band puts the psych in psychedelic. One of the more freaky albums from the era, especially for a mainstream label (on Smash). Lots of experimental studio effects and noisy avant guitar bits amongst the usual songcraft of 1968. A mite untogether, but certainly a fascinating listen.". More World in Sound news can be found on (1/28/07) below.
(7/5/07) Lightning Tree, the label responsible for Andwella's Dream "Love and Poetry" reissue, has announced an archival release by a UK band call Stallion, album titled "The Hard Life". Features future Mandragora keyboardist Phil Thornton. The press release states "Their previously unreleased album is certainly a lost gem of British progressive rock and with renowned keyboardist Phil Thornton on board, Stallion played a remarkably tasty brand of song-based, erstwhile prog-influenced rock. Typically seventies mixing the sound of similar in style to Fantasy, Mainhorse, Wishbone Ash, Stackridge & Armageddon, and with a vocalist somewhere between early Genesis and Wishbone Ash this is a genuine missing piece of British Progressive Rock"
(7/5/07) According to Wayside's last mailer, Rialzu's sole Zeuhl inspired album is due for a CD reissue. This is one of our coveted "Part 1" albums! Not sure who is reissuing this, though the album was originally released on a Corsican folk label, which is still active today.
(6/27/07) Transubstans has sent an update still promising the Anglabarn and Taste of Blues reissues. As well, Ravjunk's planned reissue has now ballooned into a 2 CD set with tons of unreleased tracks. Should be a great bonus given that Ravjunk excelled best in a free jam format.
(5/27/07) Japan's Captain Trip have reissued an exact mini-LP replica of Zweistein's 3 album "Trip, Flipout and Meditation", one of Krautrock's most bizarre and experimental recordings - originally released on Philips (and probably safe to say the loss leader for the label in 1970!). An astounding tri fold out package complete with mirror. Musically a difficult album to digest, but considered a high watermark for fans of unhinged experimentalism.
(5/27/07) Viajero Inmovil of Argentina has reissued Miguel Cantilo y Grupo Sur's sole folk prog album from 1972.
(5/27/07) The remainder of the This Heat catalog has been reissued by band's own label This Is.
(5/9/07) Listening to the obscure Wisconsin hard rock band Euphoria tonight (1973's "Lost in Trance") and was researching its current CD status. Turns out the band has released the album themselves + two other recordings one of which is new. More info can be found here: Euphoria
(5/9/07) Garden of Delights is back with a reissue of another fine, and obscure band, from the Umsonst and Draussen festival set: Skyline, whose one album "Louise For One Night" is a fine example of the German jazz rock tradition - most like Morpheus' 1976 album or Moira's "Crazy Countdown". As well, GoD's sub-label Thors Hammer has reissued F.G. Experimental Laboratory's "Journey Into a Dream" - a very obscure 1977 album from Switzerland. More news can be found on 2/24/07 below.
(5/9/07) Long Hair has taken on two archival releases by the British band Odin (who, like Nektar, were based in Germany). One is the SWF Sessions 1973 and the other is "Live at the Maxim 1971". Maybe they'll actually release their Vertigo album as well, which has been booted by others many times. More Long Hair news on 1/28/07.
(5/9/07) Guerssen of Spain has reissued the very rare 1976 prog folk album by the French group Dandelion. I had forgotten all about this album, never did hear it, but searched in vain for close to 10 years for it!
(5/9/07) Subliminal Sounds of Sweden has put together an archival CD (similar to their effort on Parson Sound) of one of the pioneer collectives (1967) of Swedish psych: The Baby Grandmothers. Should prove to be an interesting listen.
(5/9/07) Pan Records of Norway has tackled Ruphus' 4th album "Inner Voice".
(5/9/07) The ProgQuebec Morse Code reissues mentioned on 1/28 will be available very soon!
(3/28/07) At this point, I believe everything will get a legit reissue eventually. The most obscure record in my curiosity list was reissued about 3 weeks ago - without fanfare! That would be Toshiaki Yokota & Beat Generation - Flute Adventure. On King Records no less, somewhat of a major label in Japan. A 15 year search to hear this will be over soon! It probably won't live up to my expectations, but that's OK.
(3/27/07) Transubstans, in addition to the Taste of Blues reissue mentioned below, have announced their intention to do Ravjunk and Anglabarn, two very obscure 1970s releases. Ravjunk, in particular, is one to note. They mix long track space rock with some early Stooges psych punk for something wholly original.
(2/24/07) BTF's next round of reissues include Pangea (Madrugada related), Elekriktus (excellent electronic space rock album), Nascita Della Sfera (avant garde) and Gruppo D'Alternativa. Looks to be another great batch! I forgot to mention that BTF also reissued the first Dalton album in a mini-LP format. I was also involved with the translation of the liner notes. Interesting insights the original author has!
(2/24/07) Garden of Delights first quarter reissues for 2007 include the following: Emma Myldenberger's "Tour de Trance", "More Arktis Tapes" by Arktis and a 1974 archival recording by a band that simply went by Live. The Emma Myldenberger is of particular interest and is one of the finest acid folk albums from the Krautrock scene, and could've easily been on the Pilz label in the early 1970s. Maybe GoD will now tackle the cousin album by Radio Noisz Ensemble?
(2/15/07) Durtro Jnana, one of the many labels from the Current 93 troupe, will take on a 2 CD reissue of the super rare Don Bradshaw-Leather "Distance Between Us" 1972 album!
(2/3/07) As mentioned on 1/13/07, you can now buy a copy of Skywhale at CD Baby here: Skywhale . Though the price just doubled since I looked 2 days ago? $25.50 seems high. (2/5/07 note: Looks like it's back to $15 now.) (2/15 note: Have it now and it is indeed put out by the band. It's from vinyl - but totally legit. Very good progressive jazz rock record!)
(2/3/07) Guersson Records has announced their intention to do Quarteto 1111's 1975 mellotron masterpiece "Onde, Quando, Como, Porquê Cantamos Pessoas Vivas", certainly one of Portugal's best progressive albums. Features Jose Cid on keyboards. Negotiations are still in session.
(2/3/07) Transubstans has announced they plan to reissue Taste of Blues' 1969 "Schizophrenia" album sometime during the spring. This title was originally reissued by Garageland and has been OOP for some time.
(2/3/07) Top notch UK label Eclectic has been busy reissuing albums by Barclay James Harvest and are now taking on Hawkwind side projects like Robert Calvert and Nik Turner's Sphynx.
(1/28/07) ProgQuebec has not one, but two lengthy announcements for albums long overdue for CD reissue. First and foremost is a new partnership with EMI Canada. This will result in the first three Morse Code albums ("Le Marche des Hommes", "Procreation", and "Je Suis le Temps"). Possibly even more exciting is the reissues of the first two Maneige records ("Maneige" and "Les Porches"). I don't remember the last time a label wiped out FIVE wish-listers in one announcement! Exciting all around.
--- As well as the above partnership, PQ will also release 2 CDs from Lasting Weep, a band that could be seen as the pre-cursor to Maneige. "Lasting Weep 1969-1971" will cover their embryonic stage with the usual psychedelic influences (over 80 minutes of material). "Le Spectacle de l'Albatros" was composed in 1971, and played live in concert in 1976. It's these latter shows that make up this CD. Both of these albums are archival recordings that are being released for the first time.
--- As if that wasn't enough, the brothers Bregent's 1979 "Partir Pour Ailleurs" opus will receive its first digital release. A whole year's worth of announcements, and it's only the first quarter!
(1/28/07) BTF of Italy, through their AMS and Vinyl Magic brand lines have announced 5 new papersleeve CDs. The three AMS reissues hold the most interest for first time reissues. Both Madrugada albums have finally been reissued (leaving only Sensations Fix / Falsini as the last of the major label Italian acts of the 1970s not to have all their works as on a legit CD reissue). As well, the obscure group Piero e i Cottonfields sole 1972 album "Il Viaggio, La Donna, Un'altra Vita" will receive its first CD reissue. The Vinyl Magic papersleeve reissues include both Panna Fredda and Metamorfosi. The former is the first CD issue since the late 1980s and the first time in a papersleeve format. Will contain 4 bonus tracks. Metamorfosi had been issued by the Korean label M2U in the same format prior, but will contain unique liner notes. Speaking of the liner notes, yours truly was involved in the translation of all of the above except the Piero album. I haven't seen the final product, so not sure I want to be bragging about it just yet ;-)
(1/28/07) Italian label Nightwings, the ones responsible for the legit reissue of Fuchsia, are back with the first legit issue of the 1970 UK group Five Day Rain, a band who represent both the psychedelic and progressive eras.
(1/28/07) Swiss label RD has found the members of a band previously known to the record buying community as "C1C2" through a Shadoks LP issue awhile back. Turns out the band was called Mad Dog and the album is titled "Dawn of the Seventh Sun", a very rare 1969 "West Coast styled psych" album from California. Now available on CD.
(1/28/07) Speaking of Shadoks, new on CD are: Bunalim (a compilation of rare singles from this Turkish band circa 1969-1972); Brush (a rare 1971 Japanese psych album); Ariesta Barawa Group (one of the only psych albums from the early 1970s from Indonesia).
(1/28/07) World in Sound, a German label similar to Shadoks, has issued an archival recording by a Detroit band called Wazoo, apparently the blueprint for Zappa's similarily titled album. Sounds very intriguing.
(1/28/07) Yet another German reissue label, Red Lounge, has released the impossibly rare album by German experimental artist Reinhold Weber. "Elektronische Musik" was released in 1970 and is apparently very similar to the first two Kluster albums. They promise a second reissue soon.
(1/28/07) Long Hair has completed their Thirsty Moon series with the third album "Blitz" and a live album called "I'll Be Back" from 1975.
(1/13/07) We recently found out that The New Age's rare 1980 album "Neptuned" has been self-released. He now goes by Jordan (rather than Larry) Oliver and the album has been released under his name. You can find a copy at CD Baby here: Neptuned . For more info, visit New Age website
(1/13/07) We recently received an e-mail that Skywhale's excellent 1977 album "The World at Minds End" has been remastered and will also be available on CD Baby shortly. We're guessing it's self-produced as no other details were presented.
(12/27/06) Mellotronen has released the 1975/76 symphonic prog album by the Swedish group Friendship Time (unreleased in its day). Comparisons such as Cathedral (Stained Glass Stories) and the UK biggies have been thrown out. Sounds like it could be similar to the Norwegian group Deja-Vu, which was discovered over a decade ago. Sounds very promising! (note: we've since bought our copy and definitely a must pick up. Reminds us of the first 2 albums by Trettioariga Kriget, Lotus' first album and the UK group Flash)
(12/27/06) Portugese label Companhia Nacional de Música (CNM) has reissued for the first time on CD Banda do Casaco's "Hoje Há Conquilhas, Amanhã Não Sabemos" 1977 album. Haven't heard this one myself, but if it's anything like the first two (and I understand it is) then should be another winner.
(12/26/06) So we begin another year of the CD Reissue Wish List, which first launched in 2003 (see above links for archives of 2006 and 2005). A little head start here, but I anticipate 2007 to be a very busy year for me concerning my "real job", and thus I'm streamlining some of my hobby activities. This site is one of my favorites, so I pledge to keep it going for at least one more year (I hope). And many more if possible. After some reflection, I've made a few key alterations. The OOP section has been somewhat merged with the main list (all titles are designated as OOP). I've added a 3rd section to the main list for more clarity as to what I know and what I don't. And, on that topic, I've started adding descriptions. I would like to get a least a sentence on every album in PART 1 if possible. Honestly, I think a lot of the albums in Part 1 will end up in Part 2. Again, trying to add focus to the most neglected items IMO. Also, I've decided to stop tracking the Japanese mini-LPs. There are a couple of really good sites that do nothing but this, and are far more comprehensive than what I was doing. Click on the Japanese mini-LP section above for one such site.