Friday, December 15, 2023

Earthstar, USA-New York ***REISSUED***

Salterbarty Tales. 1978 Moontower
Atomkraft? Nein Danke. 1981 Sky
Humans Only. 1982 Sky

***Reissued by Made in Germany 2023  

Moved to UMR

Priority: 1

11/28/10 (new entry); 12/15/23 (complete)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hades, Norway ***REISSUED***

Hades. 1992 Colours (1974 recording)

***Reissued by Norsk Album Classics in Jan 2024

This live album (soundboard quality) reminds me a lot of Osanna's L'Uomo, which in itself was a strong play on the early Jethro Tull sound. That is to say blues based heavy rock with aggressive, stuttering flute as the lead instrument. Many time changes also point to the Osanna way of doing things. The Norwegian vocals recall the unique Scandinavian flair found in bands like Host or Trettioariga Kriget. Great fuzz guitar leads as well. Short album (under 25 minutes), but great all the way through.

Priority: 3

6/1/09 (new entry); 10/25/23 (complete)

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Satin Whale, Germany ***REISSUED***

 Desert Places. 1974 Brain

***All their albums reissued by Made in Germany 2023 (finally!)  

moved to UMR

Priority: 1

7/25/09 (new entry); 8/17/23 (complete)

Friday, June 30, 2023

Visitor 2035, England ***REISSUED***

Visitor 2035. 1978 Ariola

***Reissued by Made in Germany Jun 2023

Progressive fusion influenced by the usual suspects like Return to Forever, David Sancious and Weather Report. I also pick up some fellow countrymen Skywhale here as well as the US group Flight, and that's a good thing.

Priority: 3

12/12/09 (new entry); 6/30/23 (complete)

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Hannibal, England ***REISSUED***

Hannibal. 1970 B&C.

***Reissued by Talking Elephant May 2023  

Hannibal are squarely in that unique early 70s UK blues rock school of saxophone lead proto prog, similar in scope to other same-era English acts like Diabolus, Aquila, and Raw Material (circa their first album). Some really nice jazz-tone guitar work too. Despite the lengthy tracks, there isn’t much in the way of inter-song development. Highlights are certainly the last two tracks: 'Wet Legs' and 'Winter'. A good example of the style.

Priority: 3

11/25/09 (new entry); 5/23/23 (complete)

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Friday, February 17, 2023

Structure, France ***REISSUED***

Pop Music. 1970 Disques AFA

***Reissued by Sommor in 2023

In effect, Structure is a Bernard Wystraete solo album. Lead by his various flutes, the instrumental (with some wordless female chants) jazz psych presented is somewhat typical of the film and TV library music of the era (of which Wystraete has at least two albums under his name with titles like "Hits Variety"). It just happens to be a very good representation of said style, and recalls later instrumental flute lead outfits from France like Jean Cohen-Solal's two albums or Triode (on Futura). Some fine fuzz guitar and violin work here too - not to mention a particularly fat bass sound, something the French have become known for over the years. This would be a good choice for Vadim or Finders Keepers.

Priority: 3

2/7/11 (new entry); 2/17/23 (complete)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...