Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Alcatraz, Germany

Energie Programm in Rock. 1978 private
Live: Trockeneis zum Frumstruck. 1980 private
No. 4. 1982 private

Absolutely one of the strangest bands to ever come from the original Krautrock era. Their debut Vampire State Building is an excellent jazz tinged Kraut fusion album - very much a product of its day and certainly a classic of the genre. It was originally issued on Philips and reissued by Long Hair (2002). Had they stopped there, they would've been like countless German one-offs from the early 1970s. But they resurfaced in the late 1970s, not as a pop band like most of their former brethren, but a totally off the wall band, who changed style from album to album. 

Energie Programm in Rock mixes complex progressive rock with polit-rock vocal sections. Because of the difficult music presented, it recalls the band Oktober or perhaps P.P. Zahl. 

Live: Trockeneis zum Frumstruck: Alcatraz were always an interesting lot, never staying in one musical place too long. By the time of this live album, the band had released a Krautrock classic (Vampire State Building) and a politrock album. So naturally this is a jazz fusion work... All new material, it is in effect a brand new studio release and the recording is stellar. Perhaps most extraordinary is how adept Alcatraz are at the style. Though it must be said that Vampire State Building had jazz qualities, it was nowhere near this obvious. There are two standout leads here: Rainier Hansen on sax and flute - and steady member Klaus Holst on guitar. Hansen, in general, has a very pleasing tone concerning his saxophone with a bit of the psychedelic similar to Xhol Caravan would deploy on occasion. At times he gets a little too loose, but pulls back just at the moment of annoyance. His flute playing is exemplary throughout. Best of all though is Holst, who apparently was completely unaware of any musical trends since 1971. You will have to look long and hard in 1980 for the kind of fiery psychedelic leads he lays down. It's really extraordinary, and reminds me of the second Moira album concerning the out-of-its-time sound. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a modern retro band that "gets it" like Holst does here. The songs are all well written and melodic and not just exercises in solo jamming. The latter enhances the former that is to say. The cover itself is telling. While the band is sitting in the kitchen enjoying a meal of ice (?), there are albums perched up against the wall. Among them include Soft Machine Third, Bitches Brew, and Hendrix's Axis' Bold as Love. And there you have it.

No. 4 demonstrates an excellent guitar fronted hard rock album similar to perhaps Mahogany Rush. 

They continued into the CD era with at least 4 more albums - the only one I'm familiar with is Holm (1998) - a German language progressive rock album with some metal and some truly progressive segments. Their last album, that I'm aware of anyway, is from 2002. It's hard to imagine a group that's been more "progressive" than Alcatraz over the years, other than maybe Embryo, and even the latter has been more predictable. Not all of it works, but there's no question the non-commercial stance the band has chosen. Completely defies categorization. Bizarre really.

Ultima Thule has reissued these as cd-r's but we don't count those as fully reissued.

Priority: 2



isabelbc said...

Thank you for the review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAWNnhweXs

Isabel :o)


Purple Peak Records said...

You're welcome Isabel. Nice videos!

Anonymous said...

i saw Alcatraz in the late 70ies (or maybe early 80ies?) in the best Music-Hall in Northern Germany ever, it called "Auenland" in the small Village Sülfeld near Oldesloe.

I never forgot the name of the Band because of their unique stile but never found a Recording of them.

ciao Jörg

isabelbc said...

I have contacted with Tom (http://www.youtube.com/user/bluesandall), author of video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7d6v7XaWrU this song "Two Waves" was played on Klaus Holst funeral, the video was prepared by Tom for Klaus family and friends.
if anyone is interested in the album No. 4, Tom sent me this link http://cgi.ebay.de/ALCATRAZ-No-4-Audio-CD-vierten-LP-/300569487244?pt=B%C3%BCcher_Unterhaltung_Music_CDs&hash=item45fb56678c#ht_2098wt_1139

Jargon ~ Finland

Jargon. 1980 Dig It UMR review Priority: 3 2/22/25 (new entry)