Tuesday, November 24, 2015

White Summer, USA-Michigan ***REISSUED***

White Summer. 1976 private

***Reissued by Out-Sider Nov 2015

Michigan based hard rock and funk. Most of the tracks are under the 3 minute mark, tritely executed, and are scarce worth mentioning. However, there are 3 long pieces (5+, 6+ and 13+) that are absolutely fantastic with great guitar soloing, changes in dynamic and rhythms - not to mention excellent songcraft. 

Priority: none

5/27/10; 11/24/15 (complete)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Minoru Muraoka & New Dimension Group, Japan

Minoru Muraoka & New Dimension Group - Lupus. 1974 Victor

Moved to UMR

Priority: 2

I think it's fitting to end the CDRWL blog with an insanely rare Japanese album as submitted by The AC. I can assure you that I would not know any of these were it not for his incredible research!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Kosuke Ichihara & Love Live Life, Japan

Kosuke Ichihara & Love Live Life - Datsu Nippon Minyou - Now Sound '75. 1975 Victor

*** Reissued on LP in 2017 (HMV) ***

Moved to UMR

Priority: 2

Monday, November 2, 2015

Relayer ~ USA

The Relayer Album. 1979 Hamilton Street UMR review Priority: 3 2/22/25 (new entry)