Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Mesmerizing Eye ~ USA

Psychedelia - A Musical Light Show. 1967 Smash

UMR review

Priority: none

This was one of those "CDRWL main list" albums that I never featured. Not that it deserves one, but trying to be thorough here.

Love the cover though. Great use of fonts and art.

2/23/25 (new entry)

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lodestone ~ USA

Lodestone. 1981 private

UMR review

Priority: 1

2/22/25 (new entry)

The Tangerine Zoo ~ USA

The Tangerine Zoo. 1968 Mainstream

Outside Looking In. 1968 Mainstream

UMR review

***The Tangerine Zoo reissued on vinyl by Sundazed (2023)

Priority: 1 (for Outside Looking In)

2/22/25 (new entry)

Curtis Knight ~ USA

Down in the Village. 1970 Paramount

I'm sure others are worthy of consideration, but this is the only title I'm familiar with.

UMR review

Priority: 1

2/22/25 (new entry)

Chasar ~ Scotland

Chasar (Gypsy Roller). 1983 MPM (MC); 1985 American Phonograph (LP)

UMR review

Priority: 1

2/22/25 (new entry)

Relayer ~ USA

The Relayer Album. 1979 Hamilton Street

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/22/25 (new entry)

Progresiv TM ~ Romania

Dreptul de a Visa. 1976 Electrecord

UMR review

Priority: 1

I never added this prior thinking the Rockin' Beat reissue was legit. But apparently not and it's never been rectified.

2/22/25 (new entry)

Jargon ~ Finland

Jargon. 1980 Dig It

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/22/25 (new entry)

Leviathan ~ USA

Leviathan. 1974 Mach

UMR review

Priority: 2

2/22/25 (new entry)

Friday, February 21, 2025

Atlantic Ocean ~ Sweden

Tranquillity Bay. 1970 Love

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

Kjol ~ Switzerland

Take It On. 1979 Tonstudio Zuckerfabrik

Brigeen Doran's Kjol with Fernando Saunders – Sunny Day. 1981 Roof

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

Nebu ~ Canada

Nebu. 1978 Les Disques Cadence
Motus. 1980 Les Disques Cadence

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

The Next World ~ USA

Symphonic Rock. 1973 Era

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

Affirmation ~ USA

Identity Crises. 1985 Rhombus

UMR review

Priority: 3

Their Inner City debut Lost Angeles was reissued on CD by Rhombus (the label this LP is on). Strange.

2/21/25 (new entry)

Chalibaude ~ France

Les Noces du Papillon. 1976 Cezame

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

Crysys ~ USA

Hard as Rock. 1981 Long St.
Crysys Strikes. 1990 Empire (MC)

UMR review

Priority: 2

2/21/25 (new entry)

Metamorfosis ~ Spain

Papallones i Elefants. 1982 Apolo

UMR review

Priority: 2

2/21/25 (new entry)

Sod ~ USA

Sod. 1971 Decca
Face the Music. 1972 Decca

UMR review

Priority: 3

2/21/25 (new entry)

Iguazu ~ England

Iguazu. 1984 Music Factory

Priority: 2

2/21/25 (new entry)

Chango ~ USA

Chango. 1975 ABC

For whatever reason I never added Chango to the CDRWL. The Akarma issue is considered unauthorized by the band (though Discogs hasn't mentioned it) and that still hasn't been rectified. 

UMR review

Priority: 1

2/21/25 (new entry)

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Think ~ New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic

***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album.

UMR review 

Priority: 2

3/14/10 (new entry); 2/1/25 (complete)

Sky Dancer ~ USA

Alive. 1977 All in One UMR review Priority: 2 3/4/25 (new entry)