Time Waves. 1979 Tsunami
Priority: 3
2/24/25 (new entry)
A listing of obscure 60's, 70's, and 80s prog, psych, jazz fusion, electronic, and hard rock albums that remain largely unknown and have not been reissued on CD (at the time of publishing)
Priority: none
This was one of those "CDRWL main list" albums that I never featured. Not that it deserves one, but trying to be thorough here.
Love the cover though. Great use of fonts and art.
2/23/25 (new entry)
Outside Looking In. 1968 Mainstream
***The Tangerine Zoo reissued on vinyl by Sundazed (2023)
Priority: 1 (for Outside Looking In)
2/22/25 (new entry)
I'm sure others are worthy of consideration, but this is the only title I'm familiar with.
Priority: 1
2/22/25 (new entry)
Priority: 1
2/22/25 (new entry)
Priority: 1
I never added this prior thinking the Rockin' Beat reissue was legit. But apparently not and it's never been rectified.
2/22/25 (new entry)
Priority: 3
2/21/25 (new entry)
Priority: 3
Their Inner City debut Lost Angeles was reissued on CD by Rhombus (the label this LP is on). Strange.
2/21/25 (new entry)
For whatever reason I never added Chango to the CDRWL. The Akarma issue is considered unauthorized by the band (though Discogs hasn't mentioned it) and that still hasn't been rectified.
Priority: 1
2/21/25 (new entry)