Sunday, June 2, 2024

Ibis, Sweden

Ibis. 1974 Grammofonverket - Europa Film

Ibis is Vildkaktus version 2.0 and sees the band moving more toward the jazz center. Featuring an enormous amount of ring modulator electric piano, one could be forgiven on thinking you were listening to a The Fourth Way or Love Cry Want album. Couple this with some fantastic guitar leads and the occasional Swedish melody, and you have quite an album to reckon with. Berits Halsband is another group that went in this direction, but they took the whole concept deeper into freaky underground waters. Sure, there are some experimental bits to wade through, and Ibis can get lost in the weeds on occasion, but overall this is a fine release. I get the feeling a CD reissue would uncover some archival jam material that some of these sketches were built on. That would be awesome.

Priority: 2

6/2/09 (new entry); 6/2/24

15 years to the day!

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Rhea, Switzerland

Sad Sorceress. 1980 private (HD 363) And here it is - probably one of the most mythical of the sought-after releases by progressive rock fan...