Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Lethe, Netherlands

Lethe. 1981 M.M.P.

Lethe is the second incarnation of the band Mirror, and just as obscure unfortunately. Their sole album starts off rather inconspicuously with a classically oriented oboe, acoustic guitar and piano piece. Then, just like the Mirror album, the band launches into a sophisticated and highly melodic progressive rock form. And while Side 1 is good, side 2 is an absolute clinic on how to combine complexity and yet still maintain a strong melodic backbone, that recalls Finch on occasion. This is the album that Camel never made after Moonmadness. Astounding album really.

Priority: 1

8/21/09 (new entry); 6/5/24


Renate said...

I can remember having interviewed Philip de Goey, because there seemed to be some interest in rereleasing this album, which alas never happened. So I'm stuck with the original album, which I have copied to a CDR. I'm not sure if the copy is good. I still have the soundfiles on my computer and one day I hope to make a better copy. I have basicly two files, one of side one and one of side two, which I should split into seperate tracks, which is not that easy, because of the very soft parts in the songs.

Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Renate,

Thanks for the comment. That's too bad it never happened! Maybe some day right?

- Tom

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...