Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Facedancers, USA-Pennsylvania

The Facedancers. 1972 Paramount

There really is no album like The Facedancers, an obscure progressive rock band from the Philadelphia area (locale recently confirmed from various postings on YouTube). Typical of the Paramount aesthetic, The Facedancers were an eclectic bunch, that had no real identity, though to be sure it was probably the label's most purely progressive rock act (besting the also varied Baxter album). They use harmony vocals and have a slight folky and bluesy touch to their songwriting. But most of the songs feature long and complex instrumental breaks, that sound like they came right out of the early 1970's northern European scene with flute, electric guitar, and organ. The guitarist plays in a decidedly psychedelic manner throughout. Excellent album overall.

Priority: 2


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Curtis Knight ~ USA

Down in the Village. 1970 Paramount I'm sure others are worthy of consideration, but this is the only title I'm familiar with. UMR r...