Saturday, February 26, 2011

News: MPS reissue series starts back up

Thanks to a note from Laser Ken, the much loved German jazz label MPS is getting back to CD reissues, after a 2-3 year hiatus. Looks like Volker Kriegel's "Lift" and "Missing Link" are out and a couple of more are coming ("Octember Variations" and "Tropical Harvest").


Eddie Lascu said...


Isn't MPS and Promising Music one and the same? I got their latest newsletter and they announced two new albums, one by JLPonty and one by Don "Sugarcane" Harris. They called it the Hot Rats Connection.

All the best,

PS: Looks like I am not allowed to post URLs.

Eddie Lascu said...

Forgot to mention the albums:



DON "SUGARCANE" HARRIS - “Cup Full of Dreams”

Just an attempt to post the link to the Promising Music website:

Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Eddie,

Yes, Promising Music is the company behind the MPS reissues. Depending on where you buy them, you will see either name. Dusty Groove refers to them simply as MPS. Thanks for the other updates!

- Tom

nnknsh said...

These are released by Universal Germany which still owns the majority of the MPS catalogue (and have reissued quite a few MPS titles by themselves).

Most of the Promising releases are licensed from Universal except Et Cetera - Knrisch which the right have been owned by the family of the original owner of the MPS.

Atlantic Ocean ~ Sweden

Tranquillity Bay. 1970 Love UMR review Priority: 3 2/21/25 (new entry)