Saturday, September 10, 2011

Window, USA

Window - The Empyreal Ballet. 1978 Cottage Records.

So here's one I've been wanting to post about forever. I had a cassette of it from long ago, but without info. Usually a simple Google search will find me an album cover and other data. Except in this case, it was as if the album didn't exist. I couldn't find anything about it anywhere. I asked Midwest Mike, The Alaskan Connection and others, but no one seemed to know anything about it. When that happens, I begin to question the tape markings. Was it mislabeled? Was it ever actually released? Did I get a demo album way back when?

Moved to UMR

Priority: 2


    Thank you, Tom! :o)

  2. Hi Isabel,

    Just returned from vacation and published your comment. Great album right?

    - Tom

  3. hi Tom,

    welcome back!
    yes, great album!

    Isabel :o)

  4. Have a original handbill with Window supporting Journey and special guest Yesterday & Today at Golden Gate Park in SF- 1975. Still need to get that scan to you..

    Glory Daze Music
