Monday, June 3, 2024

Arco Iris, Argentina

Agitor Lucens V. 1974 Music Hall

This is a new revelation for me, and comes as quite a surprise. I always thought of Arco Iris as a new age / Andes Mountain hybrid from the 1980s. Then I was told their 1970's albums were different, so I got ahold of Los Elementales (which is on CD), a very fine fusion album from 1977. 

Agitor Lucens V appears to be unique in their canon. This is one of the best things I've heard in the last couple of years. It's a mite inconsistent, which is part of its charm I think. In some ways, this is Argentina's version of the Lula Cortes and Ze Remalho Paeribu album. And when you find out that their spiritual guide was a gorgeous babe / former fashion model, then you know these guys were tuned into something special.

So before I go much further, please read the following from Gerald. Especially the Biography section as well as the review for this album.

If that doesn't spark your interest, I'm not sure anything else I say will.

Many of their albums are on CD, but this one unfortunately has been avoided.


Was reissued as a 2xLP by Sony in 2020, but still no CD. As of this update in 2024, this album remains my #1 want.

Priority: 1

7/9/09 (new entry); 6/3/24

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