Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Ra Can Row, USA-Ohio

Ra Can Row. 1982 Eye

Ra Can Row were a band from Cincinnati, lead by guitarist Don Schott. At the time of this recording - namely 1982 - almost no one was doing this kind of heavy psychedelic music. Perhaps only LS Bearforce in Germany, and even they had roots in a Guru Guru past. Ra Can Row actually predicted the UK Festival Psych scene by about 3 to 5 years, and could be considered a proto-Ozric Tentacles. This is a very well produced, yet unhinged driving instrumental psych music, with wild guitar solos, and relentless rhythms. The opening 16 minute+ 'Things Beyond Our Control' is the highlight, but all the tracks are satisfying on some level. Could of used a bit of editing and some more focus on songwriting, but for the time and place, Ra Can Row is quite extraordinary.

There are two distinct presses of the album, and the latter promises much better sound and precision. After many years, I finally compared the two copies back to back. Honestly I don't hear much difference. The second press is truly a re-mix, not anything unique. I think it's a bit more crisp overall, but not enough to warrant an upgrade or to keep both.


As you can see here in the comments, Don Schott was in touch back in early 2014 to inform us that a reissue LP and CD were in the works. Unfortunately nothing has come of it to date.

Priority: 2

7/24/09 (new entry); 6/4/24


Anonymous said...

There is a LP reissue by Sunday,
with a different cover (2013)


Unknown said...

Yes, I have notice there have been several pirated versions of this LP. As rights owner and producer and owner of Eye Records label I have not assigned any license to reproduce nor have I been presented any logical or purposeful attempts to acquire such a license at this date 16JAN2014.

My intention is to release this on CD and reissue vinyls that have not sold (I don't have jackets for them yet) and possibly reissue the vinyl if there is and need or demand.

Wish me luck.

Purple Peak Records said...

Absolutely best of luck, Don! I'll be in touch soon. Thanks for the comment.

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...