Monday, June 3, 2024

Chico Magnetic Band, France

Chico Magnetic Band. 1970 Vogue

There are a couple of items here that make Chico's sole album special. One is the heavy handed use of studio trickery (phasing, radical dynamic shifts, backwards tape, etc…), a common trait found among many early 70s French and German albums. Even more important, though, is Chico himself (real name Mahmoud Ayari, and originally from Tunisia). Chico is the vocalist, and it’s his ranting, raving, screeching, drooling, mumbling that makes this album so real. The listener witnesses a man on the edge – a true freakout captured on tape for all time.

There are other albums where this trait of insanity can be found, and they’re all favorites of mine: Dawn on Brainticket’s Cottonwood Hill, John L. on Ash Ra Tempel’s Schwingungen, and Catherine Ribeiro on No. 2 (really any of her early 70s works). The psychedelics that are applied both externally (music) and internally (individual) allow the artist to apply his or her most creative mind gymnastics. Sure, it’s pure madness, but it sends a chill down my spine especially when paired with raging wah wah guitar solos and a cacophony of tribal percussion.

It’s funny today to watch bands try to recreate this same sound. When it’s just the music, they do a good, sometimes great job, but when they try the "I’m crazy, here me rant" - they’re faking it. It was a one time of the era event. Everything else is just a simulation, a make-believe-let’s-pretend-we’re-freaked-out-and-nuts. And it sounds artificial. Get the real deal and check out Chico Magnetic Band. One of the all-time greats for certain.


About three years ago I ended paying a small fortune for an original LP.

One of the bootlegs out there used much of what you see above... without my permission of course lol.

Priority: 1

7/10/09 (new entry); 6/3/24

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