Saturday, June 8, 2024

Indigo, Germany

Meer der Zeit. 1977 Haddenhall

Germany's Indigo - not to be confused with the Austrian post-Kyrie Eleison pop group - were a melodic progressive rock band that seem to be clearly influenced by Novalis, maintaining the slower pace, with plenty of organ, early polyphonic synths, fine nice electric lead guitar, and spacey vocals defiantly sung in German. Other references include mid to late 1970s Pink Floyd, Faithful Breath's Fading Beauty, Fly, and Minotaurus. 

Die Angel Im Gras. 1979 Stall-Studio

Of their three albums, I'm leaning towards calling Die Angel Im Gras the best of the lot. The album does start off really slow, but picks up nicely with some fine instrumental breaks.

Herbstwind. 1982 Stall-Studio

Need to review.

Priority: 3

10/6/09 (new entry); 6/8/24

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