Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Alpha Omega, Australia

Alpha Omega. 1976 Clear Light of Jupiter

Steven Maxwell, most known for his group Cybotron, also plays synthesizers for this most interesting fusion group. Perhaps Cybotron's Colossus is a good reference, mixing in saxophone lead rock with electronic sequences. Alpha Omega is more rooted in jazz, however, which includes some free blow sax and shredding guitar solos. It's an odd combination. Passport's Infiniti Machine is also similar to this, though for certain more tame. 

Priority: 3




So called Steve Maxwell von Braund is not in Alpha Omega. Howard Crofts is. He played keyboards on this LP and now runs a Record Shop in Kangaroo Flat in Central Victoria. Both these people are known to me for several years. In fact Steve is a firm friend and has been for years.

Purple Peak Records said...

Thanks for the comment. On the back of the LP "Steve Maxwell von Braund" is listed as playing synthesizer. Is that incorrect? I think my review is misleading though. He doesn't lead the group, he's just on the album. I'll make the correction.

Jargon ~ Finland

Jargon. 1980 Dig It UMR review Priority: 3 2/22/25 (new entry)