Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mars Everywhere, USA-D.C.

Industrial Sabotage. 1980 Random Radar
Live & Unrehearsed. 1988 Galactus (MC)
Visitor Parking. 1989 Audiofile (MC)

Random Radar was the ancestor to the popular Cuneiform Records label. They had some interesting acts, but none were more intriguing than Mars Everywhere's Industrial Sabotage. The music here is a cross between, Canterbury (due to The Muffins influence), space rock, avant prog, and free rock. Gets a little loose and annoying in places, but when they catch a groove, the fireworks are undeniable. Some brilliant guitar work, and it's just this space rock element that becomes the album's ace in the hole. 

I have not heard the cassettes to date.

Priority: 3


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Jargon ~ Finland

Jargon. 1980 Dig It UMR review Priority: 3 2/22/25 (new entry)