Sunday, January 9, 2011

Public Foot the Roman ~ England

Public Foot the Roman. 1973 EMI/Capitol

UMR review

Priority: 3

1/9/11 (new entry)


Anonymous said...

I agree and hope the masters are still knocking around in some vault. Since Sovereign's owner Ben Nisbett went toes up I wonder if anyone is bothered though.

Sean Byrne

Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Sean - This is definitely one I'm hoping Esoteric goes for. They seem to know everyone in the major label UK rock business. Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the band I would really like to see this happen

Purple Peak Records said...

Anon, Send me an e-mail from the "About Me" page and let's talk through it ad see if we can get something started.

Anonymous said...

You all probably know this - but just in case - Public Foot the Roman is just reissued by the swedish "label" "Flawed Gems". Try seller "Ohrwaschl"

Purple Peak Records said...

I do. Unfortunately Flawed Gems is "flawed" in that they are a pirate label. Sorry to say...

Anonymous said...

Public Foot the Roman played the Cambridge Grammar School for Boys, school dance in the very early 70's. I was there, and they were amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Sean Byrne's new song about 'a week in Tobago, a year in Japan'. It's been a long wait.
I hear a certain drummer recently found a PFtR Mk2 rehearsal tape that it may be on . .
Hello Sean if you're out there.
Peter Ferris - Bass

Atlantic Ocean ~ Sweden

Tranquillity Bay. 1970 Love UMR review Priority: 3 2/21/25 (new entry)