Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Canzoniere Del Lazio, Italy

Spirito Bono. 1975 Intingo
Morra 1978. 1978 Intingo

***Spirito Bono reissued by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa in Jan 2019

Morra 1978 is a very fine fusion effort, taking the reins of the prior Miradas (reissued back in 1994 on Mercury) and running it into another dimension. Violin and saxophone are the main solo instruments, with percussion and female vocals continuing to play a large role in their sound. (This entry remains open since it's the last not to be on CD).

Spirito Bono is worth seeking out as well. It's a bit more experimental folk than the last two, but a very interesting listen.

Priority: 3

***Morra 1978 reissued on LP by parent label Intigo in 2020.

1/5/10 (new entry); 12/9/10; 1/29/19


Anonymous said...

"Lassa Stà La Me Creatura", their second album will be rereleased in March
by fonè Records (a rather High Fidelty lable) hopefully others will follow.

This one is already very weird Avant Folk (only their debut is plain Folk).

There will be also a Bio about the bank in Spring (which might also contain Audio)
(it was announced years ago as having 7 CDs and a DVD, might not have this anymore now) (by Gerardo Casiello)

All the Best,

TheH said...

"Spirito bono" will be rereleased in July also.


Purple Peak Records said...

Thanks TheH!

Anonymous said...


All the Best,

TheH said...

A link to the Morra release


Purple Peak Records said...

Thanks TheH. Yep looks like vinyl only so far. But I'm now most curious about that archival Nuova Idea album!

TheH said...

Me too! Found a short cample


Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...