Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Resan, Sweden

Resan. 1973 Epic

A very unusual album indeed, this Resan is. Formed from the ashes of the hard rocking band Life, Resan start out in a similar terrain to the The Beatles White Album, though sung/spoken in Swedish mind you. Fortunately from here they begin drifting off onto a folky flute number ala Träd, Gräs och Stenar ('Vakuum'). And then the real party starts, with the remainder containing long, energetic, acid guitar driven numbers, some freaky percussion bits, spaced out flute, dreamy cosmic pieces and an overall general sense of the psychedelic. Would've been a perfect fit for the Silence label. I could see where this album wouldn't be well received by many, given its eclectic nature, but I found most of it interesting at least. The apex of the album is the 8+ minute '05:00'.

Priority: 3

***Reissued on LP by Subliminal Sounds (2012)


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