Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Claude Leveillee, Canada

Black Sun. 1978 Polydor
Contact. 1972 Barclay

Organic is the best word I can use to describe Black Sun. Hard to believe this rather famous songwriter/composer really never ventured into the progressive rock world before - or after - this album (to my knowledge that is to say). At its best, the album possesses a nice space rock vibe to it like Sensations Fix. The low points are geared towards his electronic oriented music which contains thin sounding string synths but without sequencing or strong melodic content. Some nice guitar work can be found here ala Heldon but not near as fierce (Michel Le Francoise is the main instrumentalist here). Pretty laid back overall.

5/9/12 update: Thanks to SF, I also had a chance to hear his 1972 Contact album. This album contains majestic orchestral instrumental music with a few rock elements. Predates what Vangelis would ultimately accomplish in the soundtrack market. A bit out of scope for our list, but worth mentioning.

Priority: 3

1/13/10 (new entry); 5/9/12


strawbsfan said...

Sadly this fine musician passed away last year. Another album that would be worth checking is the collaboration with Gerard Manset from 1972

I will send it your way :)

Purple Peak Records said...

Thanks SF!

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...