Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Jean-Louis Bucchi, France

Sunflower. 1978 Trema

Former Speed Limit member Jean-Louis Bucchi released this diverse, electronically-tinged, instrumental album. One which was typical of the time and place. Reminds me quite a bit of Roland Bocquet's (Catharsis) Paradia album from the year before. Not as engaging as former Speed Limit mate George Jinda's Wheel of Love, but somewhat in the same ballpark. For those who prefer sketches of music rather than fully composed works.

Priority: none


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it must be said that you can buy this album on iTunes - no idea how legal it is or if any money goes to Bucchi - but it's just a noise-reduced vinyl rip, and as well as that, it's missing one track from the actual album! (Not that you'd notice from the track numbering of their files, unless you compare track list to other sources of info). Some of the tracks are also pretty low sound quality. Not exactly a good deal! A proper cd reissue would be very welcome.

Spell ~ USA

Time Waves. 1979 Tsunami UMR review Priority: 3 2/24/25 (new entry)