Sunday, October 6, 2024

Public Foot the Roman, England

Public Foot the Roman. 1973 EMI/Capitol

When I first started collecting progressive rock albums in earnest in the early 1980s, this is one of those "obscure" albums that I was told I must get. To be honest, Public Foot the Roman fell way short of my expectations, and I never understood what all the fuss was about. Some 30+ years later, I may not crown this a classic, but at least it makes more sense to me. I think the problem is the inclusion of standard rock and roll songs - like the opener - which can be greatly off-putting to those of us looking for something more adventurous. And my standards in the early 80s is that all "progressive rock" meant every album would be stood up against Close to the Edge or Selling England by the Pound. Well thousands of obscurities later - not much holds a candle to those albums anyway - IMHO of course.

Now in retrospect, I hear Public Foot the Roman in the way I do bands on the Neon or Dawn labels - albums that were still too far from my radar back then. And when shown in that light, Public Foot the Roman holds up pretty well. The mix of straightforward material with more ambitious jazzy progressions is fairly typical of 1973 England. Maybe not the best representative of said style, but I can now see why folks touted this one back to me then. Certainly better than the dime a dozen Hit Parade pop bands of the day. And its presence on Capitol Records, made it more known here in the US at least - especially when compared to their Dawn label brethren.

Priority: 3

1/9/11 (new entry); 3/11/14 (update)


Anonymous said...

I agree and hope the masters are still knocking around in some vault. Since Sovereign's owner Ben Nisbett went toes up I wonder if anyone is bothered though.

Sean Byrne

Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Sean - This is definitely one I'm hoping Esoteric goes for. They seem to know everyone in the major label UK rock business. Thanks for the comment!

Anonymous said...

As a member of the band I would really like to see this happen

Purple Peak Records said...

Anon, Send me an e-mail from the "About Me" page and let's talk through it ad see if we can get something started.

Anonymous said...

You all probably know this - but just in case - Public Foot the Roman is just reissued by the swedish "label" "Flawed Gems". Try seller "Ohrwaschl"

Purple Peak Records said...

I do. Unfortunately Flawed Gems is "flawed" in that they are a pirate label. Sorry to say...

Anonymous said...

Public Foot the Roman played the Cambridge Grammar School for Boys, school dance in the very early 70's. I was there, and they were amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Sean Byrne's new song about 'a week in Tobago, a year in Japan'. It's been a long wait.
I hear a certain drummer recently found a PFtR Mk2 rehearsal tape that it may be on . .
Hello Sean if you're out there.
Peter Ferris - Bass

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...