Monday, January 16, 2012

Svenska Lod AB, Sweden ***REISSUED***

Hörselmat. 1971 private

***Reissued by Creole Stream, Dec 2011

Moved to UMR

Priority: 3

2/5/10 (new entry); 1/16/12 (complete)


Bacoso said...


Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Bacoso,

Yes, I saw that too and asked a friend in Japan if he knew it was legit or not. He wasn't sure. The only other CD I know on Creole Stream is Namaz and it looked legit.

Lacking any other data - I'm going to announce this as reissued/completed.

Thanks for the comment!

- Tom

Rhea, Switzerland

Sad Sorceress. 1980 private (HD 363) And here it is - probably one of the most mythical of the sought-after releases by progressive rock fan...