Monday, June 17, 2024

Fluence, France

Fluence. 1975 Pole

Lead by Pascal Comelade, Fluence's album is a long, minimalist journey with organ and synthesizer primarily in the lead. This is combined with occasional, but massive fuzz guitar from Richard Pinhas (Heldon) on Side 1 with Gabriel Ibanez providing similar on Side 2. It's this latter element that makes the album worth seeking out, though overall it can be a bit static at times. Like a lot of music in this space, it's often best to let it play in the background to give it time to marinate in your mind.

Priority: 2

***Reissued on LP by Etats-Unis (2020)


1 comment:

Meidad said...

Back in the days i had MIO I wanted to reissue the complete Pole Records catalog and this one was included.
I love these rough recordings by French groups of the 70's.


Rhea, Switzerland

Sad Sorceress. 1980 private (HD 363) And here it is - probably one of the most mythical of the sought-after releases by progressive rock fan...