Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Perfume Azul Do Sol, Brazil

Nascimento. 1974 Chantecler

Perfume Azul do Sol were a band from Brazil who released this one incredibly obscure - and now expensive - album back in 1974. The music is primarily short form tunes, based in regional traditions, but of a contemporary nature (50's/60's). The instrumentation however is definitely informed by psychedelia, giving it a freak/hippie vibe in the Tropicalia tradition of Os Mutantes. The female vocals recall Rita Lee, and cement the comparison. Perfume Azul do Sol are not afraid to throw in more musically challenging sequences, along with some amped up fuzz guitar. I think if the band had stretched a few of these tunes out, it would have fell into the great column. Otherwise it feels more like sketches and leaves the listener wanting more.

Priority: none

***Reissued on LP by Pedra Templo Animal (2017)


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