Wednesday, July 29, 2009

David Stoughton, USA

David Stoughton - Transformer. 1968 Elektra.

Way ahead of its time experimental psychedelic album. As adventurous as they come for such an early date, I was reminded of other experimental US artists from the same era like The United States of America, Friendsound, Music Emporium, Tim Buckley, Fifty Foot Hose and The Beat of the Earth. Female vocals, trumpet, guitar, sound collages, and much more. Pure genius.

Priority: 2


  1. Listening to this now . I can understand why no one has re-issued it. Quite bad. Cod 'experimental' album with rudimentary song-writing skills. It ain't no Marble Index, that's for sure.

  2. Hi x0x, Thanks for sharing your opinion. I think it's in the minority, but that's what makes the world go round. Seems the reviews on RYM more sync up with my own thoughts on this one:

    Why is your only comment to date on this blog a negative one? It seems you have a very poor disposition.
