Monday, January 6, 2025

Robin Runge, USA

Robin Runge - Don't Give Up the Ship. 1974 QCA
Robin - Don't Give Up the Ship. 1977 Century

Apparently Mr. Runge decided to skip his Creative Writing class or he really, really doesn't want you to give up on the ship (though perhaps a recent Italian captain would have benefited from such sound advice). Regardless of the motivation, these two distinct albums caused quite a bit of confusion for this author anyway.

The 1974 album is considerably more raw and amateurish than the follow-up as might be expected from a one man band - though there still is plenty of keyboards, including a cool mellotron blast to open the album, which continues on through most of the track. Of interest to DFW readers - one track is recorded live at Six Flags over Texas in Arlington.

Though his name is Robin Runge, the male/female duo on his second album is known as Robin. The album overall is primarily an acoustic, but sophisticated folk rock work, with plenty of synthesizer to add color. The guitar playing is clearly inspired by Steve Howe and the vocals have a pleasant lilt like Jon Anderson. Could have been a song based Yes album from the same time period (1977-78), with overt Christian, rather than Eastern religious / mystic based lyrics. A good progressive folk album from an unlikely source.

Priority: none



Anonymous said...

This guy is actually Robin Crow who released a number of CCM/ AOR albums in the early 80s with some success.

Purple Peak Records said...

Didn't know that! Cool. Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

The two may not be by the same guy. The later album is Crow's according to Wikipedia and he's now a Nashville bigshot. For example,
That first album isn't listed as his. e

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...