Wednesday, August 25, 2010

True Myth, Canada ***REISSUED***

True Myth. 1979 Warner Brothers.

***Reissued by Belle Antique Aug 2010

Much was made at the time of release that True Myth's sole album was the first ever all digital recording from Canada. I guess it's ironic, then, that the album remains unissued in digital format. This is obviously a big budget affair, complete with a thick gatefold cover, lengthy liner notes, and a brilliant production. Musically, even though it's from Canada, it has much in common with the US Midwest prog rock scene of the mid 1970s. Though not that much of a stretch since southern Ontario is an extension of the region. 1979 was a little late for an album like this, and there's the expected obvious commercial AOR moves that can be a bit cringe inducing. But the piano work here is stellar (recalling Italy's Festa Mobile actually). A good album that is generally panned by the progressive rock community. But I have a soft spot for this kind of stuff and recommend it to those who like groups such as Ethos, Styx and Sunblind Lion.

Priority: 2

12/14/09 (new entry); 8/25/10 (complete)

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Curtis Knight ~ USA

Down in the Village. 1970 Paramount I'm sure others are worthy of consideration, but this is the only title I'm familiar with. UMR r...