Wednesday, June 19, 2024

La Confrerie des Fous, France

La Confrerie des Fous. 1978 Ballon Noir

La Confrerie des Fous' sole album is a fine example of the kind of electric progressive folk typically found on the high quality Ballon Noir label (especially Ripaille, Emmanuelle Parrenin (who is also a member here)). A very interesting album that really gains steam on Side 2. It can be still a bit too much silly fous/fou here, but when they get down to the music, it's quite good.

Priority: none


Meidad said...

Heya Tom,

Do you know this fantastic book:


Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Meidad! No, I have not seen that book prior. Great cover!

Thanks for all your comments. They're all published now. I'll respond to your individual questions on Hayat, Schickert, Nosferatu and Nemo.

Meidad said...

Tom, This book is amazing in it's deep details about folk in France.

I highly recommend it though i am not a big fan of books about Music. The French scene is quite kept as a big secret and this is a good book to learn it.

Anonymous said...

Please, can everybody help me? I want to know: exists a cd edition of this record? How I can buy it?

Answer me to:

Thanks a lot.


Purple Peak Records said...

Hi Parafuso,

As far as we know, a CD doesn't exist. That's the purpose of this blog - to call out albums that aren't on CD.

Thanks for the comment!

Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

We'll Give You a Buzz. 1976 Atlantic ***On Frenzy with eight bonus tracks. This is the same label that reissued the first Ragnarok album...