Friday, October 1, 2010

The Medium, Canada

The Medium - s/t. 1969 Gamma.

Pretty adventurous album for the time and place. Band is from Montreal, though their sound is more similar to the Toronto area. Nice fuzz and 1960s era non-Hammond organ. Melodramatic vocals can be a bit much. Last track has similarities to Soft Machine "II". Closest band I could compare The Medium to is the US group Listening (on Vanguard).

Priority: 3


  1. Hi Tom
    This was recently released on the Flawed Gems label. I haven't seen a copy yet. Do you know if that label is legit? I know they did the Hammer album and that looks pretty legit.

  2. Hey John,

    Yea, I've seen that label around too. My guess is they're a boot label. They have a lot of reissues from all over the place (that suddenly appeared) - many of them are featured on this blog. And they don't maintain a website, add unique liner notes written with participation of the band. No bonus tracks or unseen photos. Not distributed through established legal channels. All the tell-tale signs point to a boot label unfortunately. If I hear differently, I'd love to report on them - but I seriously doubt it.
