Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Nautilus, Switzerland

20 000 Miles Under the Sea. 1978 Turicaphon
Space Storm. 1980 Musk

Both Nautilus albums were released in the heyday of the Swiss private press progressive rock movement that continued through the early 80s (see Agamemnon, Plamp, Eloiteron, Schakta, and many others here in this list). 20 000 Miles Under the Sea is a bit more "proto prog" than most and carries over some harder edges (organ, guitar) from the days when Uriah Heep and Deep Purple ruled the airwaves. 

Space Storm is a considerably more commercial attempt and was my first exposure to the band some 20 years ago. I sold pretty quickly, and now that I've had a chance to revisit, I'd say it's actually worse than I remember! I wish I'd bought 20 000 Miles Under the Sea instead (if I recall correctly I had the opportunity to buy either). 

Priority: 3


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Think, New Zealand ***REISSUED***

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